Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

I woke up to the sun rays shining through the curtains onto my face. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to get up, I was comfortable and warm. Moving from this spot would mean a day without having Peeta close.

It's like our relationship has two sides, the one in public that is a fake love life and then the one when it's just us and we actually act like we're in love. I like the one when we're allowed because I can be my self and Peeta loves me nonetheless. He's told me that he likes me more when we're alone because I'm happy and that makes him happy.

"Come on Katniss.We've got to get up." Peeta said. I dug my head deeper into him. "The sooner we get up, the sooner we can be alone again."

The two of us got up and got ready for the day ahead, the day where I am going to be sat around my family not able to hold Peeta's hand or be able to touch him.

"Okay so before I give you any detail on why we're here, Lets fill up our stomachs. I am famished."Haymitch Slurred. I could tell he had been drinking but I also Know he's been cutting down to help Peeta and I cope with winning the games.

We all sat around the table eating our rich foods that the avox's laid out for us. They went round silently refilling our glasses whenever they were nearly empty. "Katniss?" Prim asked in a quiet voice from her seat next to me. I turned to look at her. "What is going to happen to you? Are you in trouble?" She asked. He face went from nervous to scared in an instant. My heart broke. I didn't know she was feeling like this. I didn't know what my games did to her.

"Nothing's going to happen Prim, I promise. I'm okay and Snow has no reason to hate me. Okay?" She nodded, I rubbed her leg before finishing my meal. I knew that some of the was a lie. I hated lying to her but it had to be done. I mean I'm not in that much trouble but he thinks that what we did created a revolution and he could punish me for that since the berries were my idea.

We all made our way into the sitting cart and took a seat on the many couches. I sat next to Peeta and Prim.Peeta had his arms wrapped around me holding me tight and prim was curled up into me. I felt really bad because ever since we got back from the games. I have been attached to Peeta and kind of blocked out Prim. But she has to understand that no one else knows what it was like when we were in the games. We have a special connection because of that. Now, I'm going to try and make time for sister bonding time because she is my little sister and I love her.

"Okay, so When I spoke to Effie, she said something interesting." He started. He looked at me and Peeta curled up together "President Snow is dying an-" He got cut of by gasps. I looked at Peeta with relief on my face. "And... The citizens in the Capitol voted Katniss to be the next president when he goes. But in order that to happen, She has to marry...Soon..."

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