As if this wasn't hell enough.

We didn't even know if people on got back out once we died. Sam said that they did, but there was no real proof. For all I knew, GaLm and Smarty were gone. As soon as I'd thought this, my brain snapped back to reality, practically slapping me in the face as a reminder not to think this way. Ze said it himself, we had to be positive throughout the games, keep a level head. I decided to do just that, and focus on my hunting.

Luckily, I honed my sense back in right on time as a rabbit came into view only a few paces in front of me. I crouched slowly, hardly daring to breathe as it nibbled on a small leaf. It was thin, fur matted and eyes darting around. The last thing that I wanted to do was kill a rabbit, but I knew that Ze and I could die if I chose not to. I jumped forward with as much speed as I could muster, bringing my sword down on it and claiming my prize. It was the first thing I had caught, and I nearly chopped its head off. Feeling rather sick with myself, I wrapped it up in a bunch of nearby leaves and put it in a pocket on the bag. I was proud, but also a little disturbed by what I had just done. This game was going to turn me into a monster.

After putting it away, I hiked my bag over my shoulder and pulled my water bottle back out. Before opening it, I clapped twice with a smile, picking up my bottle to drink it as I waited. Even with the thought of death hanging over me, the place was rather nice, and it felt real. More or less like a hiking trip in the woods with a friend, the sun dappling through the trees and leaving spots on the forest floor as we explored... and killed rabbits apparently. I didn't hear a response form Ze, and so I clapped a little louder, wondering if I had been too quiet for him to pick up. I put my water bottle back, and cleaning my sword off. By the time I had finished that, I still heard no response from Ze, and I felt panic welling up in my throat. I walked back at a swift pace towards the direction I had last heard him respond to me. I clapped twice, loudly, and did this a few more times as I walked back. Had we wandered out of hearing range? I hoped so, because that would be better than something actually happening to him.

I listened almost desperately for some form of clapping, noise, response. I needed something to tell me that he was okay, and I continued to clap. I stopped walking in case I wandered too far away, and stood, simply waiting. I tried to fight the panic rising in me, my chest contracting and feeling like it was being pushed upon. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and my throat was closing as I heard nothing. I didn't notice that my hands were shaking until I tried to clap again and nearly missed my own hand. Where was Ze? Then, I heard something, but not the response that I wanted. It was a loud shout, one of pain and panic.

The one signal that meant the the other was in trouble.

I sprinted towards the noise faster than I had run for anything in my life. I jumped over a fallen log, bypassing trees roots and slippery moss, focusing on the noise and nothing else. The shout came again, and that only furthered my worry, making me run even faster. Something in my mind screamed to throw the bag down, but it had supplies I could use to heal if necessary, and so I kept it despite its dead weight holding me back. My muscles strained and were begging me to stop and take a break, my lungs doing no better as I panted. I don't think I ran from that bear a couple days ago as fast as I ran now.

I sprinted around a tree into a sort of clearing, and there he was.

Ze was on his back, facing the sky and a hand over his chest. I could see the blood pooling around him, and he shouted again, reminding me that I shouldn't be frozen in horror just staring at him, but trying to help him. I ran to his side, dropping to my knees and skidding next to him as he coughed. He looked at me, eyes wild and bright with fear, and he seemed to calm as he grabbed my arm, laying his head back down and sighing. There was a large cut on his chest, reaching from one shoulder to his waist, and he panted, having difficultly breathing.

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