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"Hey Jesse where you going?"

Dad asked.

"A run."

He nodded. He was about to say something, but I ran out the back door.

Roman's pov
"Melanie does Jesse Glynn always get excited about going on a run?"

I asked walking into her office.

"No why?"

"She just ran out all excited is all."

"Maybe because she finally gets to. Roman she was out for almost a year."

"Yeah I guess you're right."

I said walking behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"The kids took pictures and they just came in. Wanna look?"


I said standing her up and sat in the chair pulling her in my lap.

I stopped at the spot I was suppose to meet Ben. I went and sat down at the tree. I waited until I felt something tap my shoulder. I looked up and Ben was right there. I stood up taking out my earbuds.

"I was talking to you for five minutes."


He smiled and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back.

"I've missed you. "

"We seen each other yesterday. Plus we text all morning."

I said.

"I know, but I missed seeing you in person."

I smiled.

"Anyway. I thought we would have our first date."


He nodded. He went behind the tree and came back with a picnic basket.

"I wanted to start simple so I thought we would have a picnic. "


He sat the basket down and pulled out a blanket. He sat the basket on it and we sat down. He pulled some things out.

"How about peanut butter and jelly, fruits, and strawberry lemonade?"

"That would be lovely."

He smiled handing me a sandwich.
I was laying down with my head in Ben's lap while he played with my braid.


"Yes love?"

"Why are you training her?"

"I was the only one who didn't have anyone to train. I needed the money."

"Are you gonna go to Uni?"

"I want to. So I can start my own gym you know? I want to work for myself than for someone else."

I nodded.

"What were you gonna do if you couldn't box anymore?"

"I don't know. I guess just school. Find a new hobby. Jacey wants me to travel with her when she goes on tour. I haven't really thought about it."

"Do you sometimes not want to box anymore?"

"Yeah. Just so I can spend more time with my dad. He travels alot and I don't really have that father daughter relationship with him. I mean we do a little, but I can't just like go up to him and have a full conversation with him you know?"

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