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"There we are you are now out of your cast and into your boot."

I smiled. Finally I didn't have anymore stupid casts on my body.

"Now we're going to check your throat. Open wide."

I opened and he flashed the light down my throat.

"It looks like the swelling has gone down remarkably."

"Does that mean she'll be able to talk again? "

Mum asked.

"We need to see, but you will need a sip of water."

I nodded and mum pulled a water bottle from her purse giving it to me. I took a drink topping it back up.

"Give it a shot."

"I don't know what to say."

Was that me? My voice has never been raspy like that.

"Does it hurt speaking? "

"No. Why do I sound like this?"

"You haven't talked for a long time. Your voice will be rasoy, but it will go away. Now that you are talking again we need to limit your words and you can't scream, or shout. I wouldn't advice singing if you do that. Once your voice finally goes back to normal we'll try vocal exercise. Just to make sure everything is okay. "

I nodded.

"Alright you two ladies have a wonderful day."

The doctor said walking out. I turned looking at mum.

"We should get going. Your father is waiting for you at the arena."

I nodded. I got down off the hospital bed and started walking. It felt weird since the boot went all the way to my knee and I had a rain boot on the other. I fixed my beanie and got in the car. She started it and drove to the arena. Jacey was doing tours to promote her movie with Cody, Brody was with our Nana and Papaw, and mum had to work tonight so I asked Roman if I could come watch the show. We pulled up and he was waiting outside for Dean and they kept looking around.

"See you later love."

"See you later mum."

I said getting out grabbing my phone. I walked over to them.

"Hey Jesse Glynn. "

"Hi Dean. "

"Why do you sound like that."

Roman asked hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"I'm going to sound like this until I get my voice back so I can't talk so much."

He nodded.

"Why were you two looking around like that?"

"Just checking to see if The Wyatt family was hiding around here."

Dean said and Roman pulled me closer.


"They're sick twisted people and I don't want you to ever go near those two okay?"

I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked in. People greeted me and I just smiled at them waving because I didn't want to talk. We went into their locker room. I sat down fumbling with my fingers.

"What's wrong Jesse G?"

Dean asked.

"Why do I have to stay away from the Wyatt family?"

I asked looking at Roman.

"They could hurt you. They're trying to get to me."

"But I can protect myself from them."

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