Chapter 11: A camera and a kiss

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Sting's POV:
It had been a week since I'd had that fight with Rogue and as much as I hated to admit it, I missed him. A lot. He understood my interests, well the ones he knew about anyway, and  accepted them.
So there I was sat alone in the forest, lighted by the setting sun and an old memory in my hand and a bottle in the other.
I placed the bottle down and pulled out my lighter and cigarettes and lit one.
I brought it to my lips and blow up some smoke and that's when I heard it, snap!
I turned to see a familiar figure with a camera in hand. Rogue. He seemed different, like he was more confident or was it the other way round?
"Did you just take a picture of me?" I asked a little annoyed.
"Yes, why?" He asked.
"Uh I dunno because it's creepy as fuck," I replied.
"You had that perfect look so I couldn't pass it up and anyway I've got a photography assignment and I've been busy lately so here I am trying to find the right photos to use and you just helped me." I think that was most Rogue has ever talked.
"Well glad to be of service, now are you gonna be here long?"
"Maybe but I actually came to apologise," he said.
"For saying such harsh things last week and I know I was wrong so if there's anyway that you could forgive me tell me," he said and he seemed honest enough.
"Well you could hang out with me here if you wanted," I suggested and then took another drag.
"If you're sure then I guess I can."
I patted beside me and he sat there and I looked at him.
"You know red eyes look nice on you," I said.
"Thanks I guess."
"Do you smoke?" I asked.
"I used to but then things changed I guess," he said.
"Well how about just for tonight you go back and have one more," I said she offered him one.
He seemed to think about it before taking one and I lit it and I could he wasn't lying because he knew what he was doing.
"You know I was supposed to be with my friends the first night I went over to yours but I couldn't bring myself to leave." I don't know why I told him that but he seemed surprised.

It soon got dark but I came prepared and turned on the light I'd brought with.
"Hey Rogue? Do you have a crush on anybody?" I asked.
"Um yeah, why?"
"Just curious is all."
"I see, well what about you?"
"Yeah but I doubt the guy likes me like that."
"Guy huh? So I'm not the only one."
"Another thing in common I guess."

We spent hours talking in the end and we also got some epic photos of the forest because it always looks better in the dark night.
Then it was just quiet for a moment and we both looked at each other and my heart started to pound and then I did it.
I leaned in.
And kissed him.
At first he seemed surprised but then I felt him relax and I placed my hands around his head. It was perfect. Just us two. Alone. Outside. Out of sight.
I then accidentally leaned a bit and I knocked him backwards and I followed, with me ending up on top of him but that didn't ruin the moment because the kiss never broke during that.

Eventually we had to break for air and I just stared at him, he was a little red in the cheeks but it looked cute.
"Well I guess we figured out our crushes huh?" I said jokingly and he actually showed that rare smile.
"Are you comfortable or something?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm good," I said and smirked.
"Do you have to be home tonight?" I asked.
"Yes unfortunately but if you're that lonely you can stay over."
"Fuck yeah!"
I then grabbed his hand and my things and we started to walk out of the forest.

We entered the same but left different.

Hello! I bet the chapter title gave you a clue didn't it? So what did you think? Can I write romance or not? I thought it was ok but please leave a comment and tell me if you liked how those two have progressed! Sorry if they've sorta moved quickly but I've been holding back!
Also I know I skipped out on Zeref's POV with Gray's so I'll try and remember to make the next his end you guys will travel back a bit to see what he and Mavis got up to, ok? Ok!
So I guess till next time! ^^

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