Chapter twenty

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The week ran in a flash, I finished my second art work for the art competition, it was a drawing of a girl and I think it looked great. Every thing was going great, all my art pieces were complete, I told Whitney and Sam every thing, how Nathan helped me and how I helped him, how I love art, the art competition and oh yeah- Nathan asking me to be his date for the ball.


All my best friends could do was squeal in excitement, after school we went to the mall to pick out a dress for me. After two hours we finally found the perfect dress, it was a short, light blue dress with an open back in the shape of a heart.

It was gorgeous.

Of course it fit like a glove and I felt odd in the dress and of course they forced me to buy it.

The art show was on Friday so we only had one class for the day. I couldn't concentrate even for that one class I was too nervous.

I registered my name and my art works at the front desk and art show began, it was held in the art studio, Nathan covered the art pieces he said it'll be mysterious and the judges would be interested in it. They were so many great art works, some even better than mine, I was so nervous my arms and feet were pale. I felt like I was turning into a ghost The first art piece would be presented and the judges will go for the first round before they see the second art pieces.

It was almost my turn and I could feel myself getting light headed, Nathan held my hand and mouthed 'it's gonna be alright'. The worst part was my parents are no where in sight and this is really important to me. I decided to present my drawing first, a little voice in my head was telling to present the picture mosaic last, hopefully it was my inner self and maybe she came back. I hope.

When the judges came to judge my piece I felt my heart fall to my stomach, there were three judges two males and a female. They all looked aggressive and mean, the looks they gave could make a baby cry, make a little girl scream and scare a puppy away.

I unveiled my drawing and their frowns turned into scowls. My throat suddenly became dry, I didn't move I couldn't even blink. The female judge shifted her glasses to the tip of her nose and cleared her throat.

"Young lady, your art piece has no meaning. It doesn't have a message, it doesn't have a story. There is no emotion no passion, it didn't come from the heart. It looks like a drawing done in the eyes of a naive artist to appease the masses. No originality," she scribbled something on her pad and they all walked away shaking their heads in disappointment. It was like my heart was just ripped out of my chest and fed to sharks.

I didn't move.

I didn't say a word.

I couldn't say anything.

I felt numb.

I forgot Nathan was standing beside me and he saw what just happened. I felt tears forming in my eyes I tried to fight the tears but I couldn't, I had just been turned down by official judges, on the bright side my parents weren't hear to see this. Nathan stood in front of me as crystal tears formed in my eyes.

Get it....Crystal-tears .....

I'm not even in the mood to make jokes.

Nathan tried to say something but I darted out the door, I heard the host call out for the second art pieces to be presented but there was no way I was going back in there after that. I ran into the gym and sat on the floor, Nathan didn't follow me, that was good because I wanted to be alone and I didn't want to talk to anyone, I brought my kness to my face and sobbed into them until there were no tears left.

I texted Whitney and Sam to meet me at my house I needed some best friend time.
When I got home the house was empty, Jason was at a friends house and I have no idea where my parents are but I didn't care, I was too mad at them to care.

When Whitney and Sam came I told them what happened, they both enveloped me in huge hugs which made feel a lot better.
I noticed Whitney had a make-up bag in her hand, she probably brought it to help me get ready for the ball. I wasn't looking forward to the ball, I don't want to go but I couldn't let Nathan down. He brought up a lot of courage to ask me and I wasn't going to hurt him.......

At least one of us will have a happy ending today.

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