Chapter seven

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I dreaded going home today, on normal Fridays after school I put on my coziest sweat pants, a huge oversized shirt and a pair if fluffy purple socks. Then I watch "Boy meets world" on Netflix with a bowl of pistachios and cashews.

You can say I'm a little nutty........get it....nutty....

You know what, forget I said anything.
Instead of conducting my usual Friday rituals, I'm babysitting my little brother.

Some times I wonder what I did do deserve this.I'm a good girl, I eat all my veges, I do my chores, I don't break rules, I get good grades.I know some times I'm hot tempered but no ones perfect.
My parents are out for dinner with some friends, and I'm the lucky duck who's babysitting.

Whoopty doo! Ugh well its time to get this over with.

"Jason are you done with dinner"

"Almost", Normally my brother can't eat quickly even if his life depended on it, he's really picky when it comes to food so I knew something was up. I got into the kitchen and saw his plate licked clean except for some broccoli he didn't eat.

"I'm done can I go?"

"Not yet, mum said you have to eat your broccoli".

"BUT I DON'T WANNA EAT BROCCOLI", he whined loudly. I was really getting annoyed and irritated.


"Because it's nutritious and it'll help you grow".


"You have to".

"NO I DON'T! AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME," then he stuck out his tongue and that moment I snapped.

"YOU BETTER EAT THAT BROCCOLI OR I'LL PIN YOU DOWN AND STUFF IT DOWN YOUR THROAT !", I shouted. After realizing what I said it was to late to take it back.


"Sorry sorry", but he cries got even louder.

"Okay okay let's make a deal, if you stop crying and eat your broccoli I'll allow you to watch cartoons and stay up as long as you want".

"Really?" he said in an innocent voice.

"I promise," He wiped the tears from his face and happily ate the broccoli and ran to the living room.

"Finally, maybe I can still watch some episodes before my parents come home".

Its 11:30pm my parents will soon be back. I checked up on Jason he was curled up on the couch sleeping, he looked so cute.
I carried him to his room, tucked him in and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Sometimes he can be really bratty but I love him any way. I ran to my room and flopped on my bed. I was as tired as hell. I was about to fall asleep until.....

Hey wake up.

What do you want now?

You have to pick out an outfit.

For what?

Your date with Nathan, duh.

A date? Its not a date.

It is a date.

No it's not.

Yes it is.

I'm just hangingout with him.

Keep telling yourself that.

Sorry the chapter was boring, I'm having a little writers block. Promise the next chapter will be better.

Nerd Helper (Editting)Where stories live. Discover now