Heartbeat: Fire & Ice Love & Venom

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Carefully, I brought Jacob to his feet, making sure he was leaning against me with his good arm around my neck as we started to slowly walk. Even know he wasn't saying a thing, I knew Jacob was listening to everything that was been said. He kept almost silently murmuring how he needed to be and wanted to be cold. It confused me. Why would he want to be cold? Jacob had always hated the cold. I had found it ironic when he became a werewolf and had to get used to our constant body heat. 

I kept him close to me while walking, just trying to keep him warm. I smiled slightly, thinking and knowing that he was listening. I knew that if Jacob was himself right now, he would be cracking jokes, saying how stupid it was of him to have done what he had and that how he was now relying on a miracle to live. He was always one to take things lightly or to heart. He always made fun of himself and the stupid things he would say and do. 

I grip his hand as we kept on walking, in wonder if he had felt my grip. He responded slightly, with slightly gripping my hand back. I wondered if talking to him would help any. I didn't think I would do any harm. At least he would know that I hadn't given up on him. "Hey, Jake, do you remember the time, when we were kids, we got into my father's liquor cabinet, and we drank half of the expensive six pack each? How he reacted when he found us both and we took off running home to your mum because he had a soft spot for her? You nearly wet your pants that day man. You were totally scared," I laughed and smiled while thinking back. I looked down to him, wondering if he had been paying any attention to the things I had said. A slight smile came upon his lips. 

"Two drunk, idiot, kids," he whispered with slight humour while a smile turned into a smirk. I smirked back down at him and looked to the sky for a moment. The rain kept falling. It had lightened off to what it had been, but still, it was ice cold. 

"Or . . . how about the time a few of years back, when we were going camping and I brought Kim with me, without saying anything to you or her parents. You totally knew what I was up to that night and did everything possible to ruin it for me, and did, successfully, might I add?" 

He laughed slightly, shaking his head and slowly took a step as we kept walking through the rainy night toward Forks. I couldn't wait to get him into the right care. At least, I hoped he would be in the right care. 

"And then her parents found out, as well as Paul and then came the vet jokes," he laughed weakly. "And, yet, you didn't know a thing about what I had been planning the whole time too," he said in a smug snicker. I looked to him in question and wonder of what he meant. Even know his eyes were still closed, he knew that I was questioning him and continued after a while. "I had I brought Ness too," he smirked.  

My jaw dropped in shock of his confession. I hadn't even known that Renesmee had been there at all. "Damn it you dirty dog. Why did you keep that from me for so long?" I asked with playfulness in my tone.  

"Because, you would only go ratting us out and then Edward would hunt me down with scissors in hand." 

I could just imagine that happening too. Edward was so protective over his daughter and the things she got into and did, but I knew that Jacob wouldn't have done anything wrong by her. He had been just as protective over Renesmee as her father was, if not even more so. He had loved her with all his life. It was a sad day when we all lost her. She had brought life to both Forks and La Push and especially to Jacob's life. I didn't know where he would be today if he hadn't found her. He was in a bad way after his mother died. She had been a huge part of his life for so long and then to just not have her there suddenly would have hurt like all hell. I didn't think Jacob would have made it past nineteen if he hadn't found Renesmee when he did. 

"Yeah true," I grinned with humour coating my voice. "We got to have more fun times like that Jacob." 

I looked over my shoulder with hearing Sam now running up from behind us. He quickly wrapped the thick black blanket he had in hand around Jacob's shaking frame and picked up the pace slightly as we walked. I hadn't noticed that we were already on the borderline of La Push and Forks. I knew the hospital was only a couple of minutes of walking away. I was thankful for that much. 

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