Chapter 4

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Dan's Pov

I cant't believe him. What did I even expect him to tell his friends to stop bullying me?He doesn't care about no one but himself. I'm late for school. That little chat we had, caused me to be late great. He's a few steps behind me. Once I got to school, it was 8:25. Mrs. Jensen is going to be so mad. Me and Phil walked in at the same time. People were staring at us. I'm guessing they thought we were late because we were together. Not in a million years will I ever be with Phil. He's a self centered jerk. "Dan and Phil, late again are we, "Mrs. Jensen said.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Jensen,"
me and Phil said at the same time. I was shocked he has never said sorry about being late. "Well since you two were late and didn't have a chance to pick partners for the art project.I have no other choice, Dan you are going to be partners with Phil," Mrs. Jensen told us. Fuck! Wow just perfect, I thought to myself.
"Yes, Mrs. Jensen," I hear Phil reply. I bet he's happy. Now he just gets more chances to beat the crap out me. "Is there a problem Mr.Howell?," Mrs.Jensen asked me.
"Nope, everything fine."
Everything is just peachy. "Ok then, will you both take a seat together while I explain the project." Me and Phil just nodded and went to the back of the classroom.

Phil's Pov

I got paired up with Dan. I seriously don't know how I feel. I'm kind of happy we are partners, but then I'm not. I rather not be partners with him. He already hates me enough. "Everyone...eyes up front," I heard Mrs. Jensen saying from the front of the room. "This project is a personality art project. You and your partner will have to learn everything about each other. Down to what their favorite color, animal, food, etc. I will be giving everyone a sheet of paper with 25 questions. You will have to ask each other every question on that paper and create a poster. On the poster you will create 3 sections. One section is for the things you have in common." "Ha Like me and Phil will have anything in common," I heard Dan mumble. I rolled my eyes. Mrs. Jensen continued, "and on the other two sections you will have what you don't have in common. You will write your name on your box and instead of writing what you like, you will draw it. You will only have one day of working on this project in class. You will have to work on this with your partner outside of class. "
"Fuck just great," Dan  mumbled again. "You know I don't want to be your partner as much as you don't want to be mine. But I'm not going to fail this for your hatred for me ," I said harshly. "Fine but were doing this at my house. I don't want your friends to go and beat me up at your house. I get enough of that at school you twat," he replied. He's really getting on my nerves right now. But I deserve it. "Ok then, your house it is. Can I get your number, so we can set a date," I asked. "Give me your phone." I handed him my phone. After he put his number in, he gave me his and I did the same. "Do you want to come over today," Dan asked. I was bit shocked to be honest. He asked me pretty fast. "Why today," I asked. "The faster we do this, the faster I don't have to see you anymore," he responded. 'Ouch,' I said quietly. "Meet me by the gate after school," he said. I nodded again. "Go get the stuff for the project Dan." He walked up to the front of the class. While he was gone, I notice I was crying. So much for being strong. I don't feel good. I raise my hand,Mrs. Jens-" Was all I said before everything went black.

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