I said getting water. Ben has been working here for a few years. He's 18 and one of the youngest workers here. Since we were so close in the age range when I first started training here I worked with him. He taught me basics and then he taught me the striker. I made up the name and he liked it. I use to have this big crush on him, but I never told him. Well I started training with Parker once I turned 14. He was more experienced and he helped me improve alot of my skills. Well Ben started hating me then. I never did anything wrong. He's the one who agreed to Parker training me. I groaned.

"Look don't worry about it. You're champ. You'll always be champ."

I nodded. I put my gloves back on. I went and got back in the room.

"Blow off some steam."

Parker said and I nodded. I got in my stance and we started sparring to the max.
"Alright hold on."

Parker said.

"I need air."

He said breathing heavily. I smiled. I took off my gloves getting the tape. I rewrapped my hands. The door opened and I looked and Ben walked in. I rolled my eyes. I sat down.

"Alright one more time then you're done."

I nodded. I got up and put on my gloves.

"Now take it easy. I'm getting old."

"You said it not me."

I laughed. We started. I got him down and hit him with the striker.


He said and I let him go. I held out my hand helping him up.

"What did you not get by old."

I laughed.

"If you train like that you can be back in the ring in two weeks. "

"I need water."

I got out the ring and went into the locker room. I wasn't paying attention and I was pushed to the wall.

"What the hell!"

I looked and Ben had me pinned down.

"Get off of me."

"What the hell Jesse."


He looked me up and down. I tried to move, but he pushed his body on mine.

"Why the hell are you training her?"

"Why do you care?"

"You're sleeping with her aren't you?"

"Hell no. Who knows what she has."

"Guess you have a point."

"Why did you train with him and he's the one who signed the paper for her to train here?"

"That doesn't mean you have to train her."

"Like I had a choice."

"Whatever. You've been trying to get to me ever since I started training with Parker. "

He let out a growl.

"No I haven't."

"Yeah right."

I said rolling my eyes.

"Get off of me."

He stepped back and looked at me. I turned walking out. I went and got my bag.

"You okay?"

Jacey asked.

"Yeah. Boys are dicks."

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