Bree glared at Hayden, “Don’t you dare say that. The relationship is going to last a long time, and it’s going to be a strong one.” My breath caught in my throat, and my stomach tightened. Bree was going out with Hayden only days after breaking up with Parker?

“Your done in the bathroom Rage?” Parker asked bringing me back to reality. I just nodded my head. Bree’s and Hayden’s heads snapped in my direction. Hayden’s eyes were wide, where as Bree’s were the opposite.

“You were eavesdropping on us?” She growled at me.

“N-n-no.” I stuttered.

She stood up and marched towards me, “That was sure a convincing answer.” She whispered angrily. There was sarcasm dripping off her words. She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me out the door. Once the door was shut she slammed me against the wall.

“What did you hear? And don’t even think about lying, or I swear, it will be the last thing you ever do.” She threatened. The scary thing was, I believed every word she said.

“I heard you say something about a relationship.” I said quietly.

“And who do you believe is in this relationship?”

“You and Hayden?” It came out more as a question then a statement. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, Bree’s grip on my shirt was gone and her face was the usual happy one.

“Oh, well then. I guess there’s nothing to worry about.” She smiled happily and started to walk back into the room. “And me and Hayden are not dating.” She said sternly as she walked through the door.

I was left standing in the hallway shocked. I could see people coming out of their rooms and heading for the elevator. Some people gave me weird looks but I just ignored them. Slowly, I walked back into the room. Everyone was acting as if nothing happened.

“We better get to class guys, we only have 10 minutes.” Parker said as he looked at his watch.

“Yeah, come on guys.” Bree agreed as she grabbed his bag and headed for the door.

“Yay. School.” I cheered in fake excitement. Hayden just snickered behind me.

***After School***

Bree’s P.O.V

“I still don’t know who I’m going to do my biography on.” I sighed after Kyle stopped asking me random questions for his biography.

“Well I guess you better figure out soon, all the good people are going to be gone soon.” Kyle joked.

Just then an amazing Idea struck me, “Kyle, what if I do my biography on Clayton?!”

Kyles eyes bugged out of his head, and the pop he was drinking sprayed out of his mouth in every direction, splattering the walls a pink colour. “Are you crazy?! Wait I can answer that question, YES YOU ARE!”

I crossed my arms over my chest, “Well there is a brilliant idea behind the thought.” I said with my nose in the air.

“Then what are you waiting for, tell me this brilliant idea.” Kyle smirked leaning back in his swivel chair. We were sitting in his dorm.

“If I did my biography on Clayton I could get into the inner workings of his mind. See what he is really thinking; see if there truly is any big schemes.” I explained with a big smile on my face. Kyle sat in his chair, a look of deep concentration on his face. I must have made a few good points.

“It may be a very risky thing to do Bree.” He said seriously after a few moments.

“I know, but I’ve won every fight I’ve had with him. So it’s not a huge deal.”

“You have a good point…” His sentence trailed off.

“So you think I should?” I asked hopefully.

“Okay, but heres the rules, and I’m sure Jacob and all the other guys will agree with them.” He started, I just let out an exasperated breath and rolled my eyes. “ Whenever you two are working on the project you tell one or more of us. You and him must be in a public area at all times when together. Finally you cannot, I repeat CANNOT become emotionally connected with him in any way. Got it?”

“Sounds reasonable to me so I guess I got it.” I replied.

“Good. Now go find him. Call or text me if you need anything.” Kyle smiled as I stood up from his bed and walked towards the door.

“Okay, Bye bud!” I called as I shut the door behind me.

Now to start the Clayton hunting.


“Clayton! Hey Clayton!” I yelled after the black haired boy standing in the middle of the field, talking to his friends. He turned to look at me, a smiled stretched across his face.

“Oh, hey Bree!” He greeted as I walked up closer to him, he turned back to his friends, “I’ll catch up with you guys later.” They nodded and walked off and Clayton turned back to me.

“So whatcha need?” He asked.

“Well, I was wondering, is anyone doing their Biography project on you already?” I asked nervously. He probably thinks I like him or something. Oh god, I sure hope not.

“Nope.” He replied popping the ‘p’.

I took a breath to steady my voice, “Do you think maybe, I could do my Biography on you?” Clayton looked a little shocked at first, like he couldn’t believe his ears or something.

“Yeah, that would be really cool.” He smiled.

“Great! We will start tomorrow. Meet me in the lounge at say, 4?”

“Sounds good.” He nodded his head. I was about to turn and walk away but Clayton grabbed my shoulder.

“What’s your number?” He asked. I didn’t reply quickly because I was a little shocked about how blunt that question was. “I mean, in case I have to get a hold of you for the project.” He clarified, which I’m sure was actually just a cover.

“Just give me your phone.” I said handing him mine so he could put his number into it. He grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and handed it to me. I quickly put my name and number into it and handed it back to him; him doing the same.

“I’ll see you around.” Were my departing words.

“Yeah, you will.” He smiled and headed off towards his friends.

What did I just get myself into?

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