Harry came out and wrapped his arm around my waist. He gently kissed my neck.

"You ready to go," he murmured against my skin.

I nodded.

I let my hand fall to my beside and looped my fingers through Harry's.

"Have a good time you two!" I spun around to see a smirking Louis on the couch.


I got a little suspicious when Louis gave Harry a knowing smirk followed with a wink. Harry chuckled and gave a small nod.

I squeezed Harry's hand as we walked out the door towards Harry's car.

We buckled ourselves in and Harry pulled out of the driveway.

We drove until we pulled up outside a fancy looking resteraunt.

Harry ran around to my side and helped me out of his car.

He held my hand as we walked into the resteraunt.

Harry walked up to the man at the podium who was wearing a tuxedo and bow tie. His hair was combed to the side and he had a twirly moustache.

"Ello sir, can I elp you."

"Reservation for Styles," Harry said.

The tall skinny man checked the book on the podium.

He sighed and started to speak with his ridiculous French accent.

"I'm sorry sir, zit looks like you've been overbooked."

Harry looked furious.


The Frenchman showed no emotion.

"Your reservation as been overbooked. Ere is no table for you."

Harry breathed out furious puffs of air.

He turned to me. "I'm so sorry babe."

I shrugged. "It's fine Harry."

He placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed up and down my bare arms.

"No it's not fine. I had this whole night planned out perfectly and this stupid overbooking resteraunt ruined it."

I placed by hand on Harry's cheek.

"Lets just go get a yummy pizza from that Italian pizza place around the corner and get strawberries and chocolate dipping sauce from the shop beside it. Then we will go find somewhere romantic and use the picnic rug in the back of your car. I think there is also some candles there as well and I've got matches babe. Okay Harry. Then we can go get ice cream, I know a place that sells delicious gelato and sorbet."

Harry sighed before meeting my eyes.

"Is that romantic enough?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yes!!! Of course it will be romantic. And the best part is that it will be with you."

Harry smiled and took my hand.

"Then lets go."

He bent down and placed a kiss to my lips. I kissed him back before we broke apart and headed out of the resteraunt.


Harry's car stopped at a field filled with pink, white and red flowers. I gasped as I hopped out. The air smelt so fragrant.

The big, bright full moon lit up the field and the sparkling stars made it even better.

Harry came around to my side.

She saved my life (a Harry Styles fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα