Chapter 6

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Authors note-

This chapter is dedicated dharmabooxox!!! She is my bestest friend ever and the girl who brought me into the Wattpad world. I have mentioned her stories in previous authors notes and if you haven't already please check her stories out. She is an amazing writer. Thanks!!!!

*5 months since incident*

*Claudia's POV*

I'm so excited for today!!! I just can't wait!!! Why you may ask. Well it's been 8 months that I've been living in London now and I've been accepted into one of the biggest dance schools in London!!! I don't believe it!!!

I wake up at 7 to get ready. I go into the bathroom to do my hair. I pull my hair into an appropriate high ballerina bun leaving two curly strands out. I brush my teeth and apply gloss before getting changed. I pull on my plain black leotard overtop of my dancing tights or pantyhose. Whicheveri. I throw a tank on and a pair of Nike shorts over my leotard and tights. I grab my bag and throw in my dancing shoes, spare tights, bandaids, water bottle, wallet, dancing skirt and house keys. I pull on my leather jacket, raybans and Nike hightops before leaving.

I look at my iPhone. It's only 8:00. I don't have to be there until 9:00. I decided to stop and grab a coffee from Starbucks. I ordered my chocolate mocha before heading to the dance school.

It was only 8:25 so I was still early. I finished off my mocha before grabbing my bag and heading inside. I walked down the hallway that had old black and white pictures of dancers who used to attend here. There was also a trophy cabinet filled with trophies from dancing competitions.

I heard music playing softly so I followed the sound. I walked into the studio that had walls that had large mirrors and wooden bars along them and hardwood floors that were a light cream colour. The music continued to play softly out of the speakers. I saw a tall, fit girl dancing her heart out by the mirror. From what I could tell she had curly brown hair and light brown skin. She was wearing a black leotard with a creme colored skirt.

She was an amazing dancer. I must've gasped because she stopped suddenly and turned around. She smiled and turned the music off. She walked towards me. Woah even her walking was graceful!!! I saw her face. She had to be one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. She was stunning!!! She smiled brightly at me. "Hi I'm Danielle, you must be the new girl." I smiled back at how friendly she was. "Yeah I am. My names Claudia. Nice to meet you Danielle." She chuckled. "Please!!! Call me Dani. Everyone does." I smiled. "Okay, Dani." She grinned back before walking off to the bar by the mirror.

I stripped down to my leotard and put on my baby pink dancing skirt. I put my dancing shoes on and walked over to the powder tray. After powdering my shoes I headed over to the bar. Dani smiled at me. She turned to face me while stretching. "So you're from America right?" I nodded. "Yip sure am. I'm from Florida." She grinned. "Wow that's so cool! Where did you study dance." I stretched my leg. "Lady Janes school of dance." She nodded. "Great school." I liked Danielle. I could tell we were going to be great friends.

I continued to stretch. "So Dani, are you the only one here?" She nodded and grinned. "I come here early all the time so I get the studio to myself for a while, but I don't mind sharing with you." She smiled happily. She stopped stretching and so did I. She smirked at me. I frowned. "What?" She chuckled. "I wanna see you dance silly!!!" I looked down. "By myself?" She nodded. "Yip." I nodded shyly. "Um, okay." She clapped her hands together. "Yay!!!" She rushed over to the stereo. She pressed play and a familiar song blasted through the speakers. Fix a heart by Demi Lovato. I've done a routine to this song before. I started to dance. I got lost in the music and started dancing freely and passionately. I put all my strength into it. Dancing made me feel so free, so alive. It made me feel like I could just be myself. My body just moved to the music. It was a natural reaction. My limbs just moved in time with the beat. I leapt high into the air and did a graceful pirouette. The song came to an end and I finished. I looked over to Danielle. Her mouth was hanging open. She immediately started clapping. "Claudia that was beautiful!!!! You are an amazing dancer! That was one of the most beautiful dances I've ever seen!!!" I blushed. "Thanks. You're an amazing dancer too." She smiled. "I can see why they accepted you at this school. You're an exceptional dancer." We sat and talked, laughed and got to know each other until other dancers started arriving. All the other dancers were so lovely,welcoming and kind. They all introduced themselves to me and welcomed me to the school. All of them except two. A matching pair. They both had light blonde hair and blue eyes. The blonde was tall and fit and looked at every person she passed like they were dirt. She came right over to me and sniggered. "Look what trash they left out now." She started laughing. I frowned at her. She glared at me. "I guess the mutt escaped the kennel." She pushed me roughly to the side. "Move bitch." Danielle grabbed her shoulder. She glared right into her eyes. "Lay off of her bitch." She hissed. Blonde bitch crossed her arms. "Or what?" Danielle sneered. "Or you'll have to go through me." Blonde bitch rolled her eyes and stormed off. Danielle came over to me. "Ignore her. She's a bitch." I looked after them. "Who are they." Dani folded her arms. "They're brother and sister and their parents founded this school. They storm around here acting like they're better then anyone. The boy is Marcus and the girl is Lacy. Believe me though. She's a major slut. She's gone out with pretty much every dude here." I shook my head. "What a slag." Dani nodded. "You could say that again." All of a sudden the boy came up to me. "Hey, sorry about my sister. She's like that a lot. I'm nothing like her. Trust me. Anyway I'm Marcus, and you are?" I smiled at his kindness. "I'm Claudia." He shook my hand. "Pretty name. Lets just forget about my sister and be friends." I nodded. "Sure I'd like that." And that's how things happened. In only two weeks, Dani and Marcus became my best friends. They came to me and Laura's flat and hung out all the time. Everything was just to perfect. I was dancing at the greatest school and London and made two new besties. If only I knew what was coming next.

Authors note-

Suckish ending, I know I just wanted to get straight to the point. Dani POV in next chappie <3

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