Chapter 5

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*Harry's POV*

I inhaled in deeply. The room around me smelt different. It smelt clean and sterilized. I forced my eyes to open a bit. A blinding white light flooded my eyes. I squinted and gasped. I opened my eyes a bit wider. The room was blurred at first. All I could hear was the thudding of my heart and a constant beeping nearby. My vision became clear and the room came into perspective.

I was in a white room. A clean white room. I knew this place. I was in a hospital. Everything began to come back to me. A flood of memories ran through my mind. Going to Starbucks, not feeling to great. After that there was a black spot. Probably when I, I don't know died. Then I opened my eyes and there was a...girl. A beautiful girl with warm chocolate brown eyes, naturally tanned skin and long brown wavy hair. She smiled down at me. I thought maybe I was hallucinating. She spoke to me with a soft beautiful voice. Not British but a soft American accent. She brushed my curls away with her dainty hand. I spoke back to her, just wanting her to be real. She seemed to good to be true. A beautiful dream. I reached up to stroke her face, thinking my hand would go straight through her and she would disappear...but It didn't. Her skin felt silky and smooth against my hand. She smiled down at me before I was whisked away on a stretcher. I reached out to her watching her fade away. Just becoming like a dream again.

The last thing I remember was being in an ambulance with a sobbing Louis before a mask was placed over my face and everything went black.

I slowly lifted up my hand and rubbed my eyes. The boys all gasped and rushed to my side. I was about to pull the tubes out of my nose before Liam stopped me, shaking his head.

Louis had tears in his eyes. "Harebear." I smiled. "Boobear." His bright blue eyes lit up and he crushed me in a hug. He was sobbing into my shoulder. He was obviously overwhelmed with happiness. I hugged him back tightly. The rest of the boys soon joined in. I chuckled. "Man you's must if really missed me aye?" They all pulled back and nodded. I chuckled nervously. "How long was I out for?" Louis sat on the seat beside my bed. He sighed. "Almost 2 weeks. I never left your side." I chuckled. "I can tell Louis you're a mess and you smell!" The boys all cracked up. Zayn calmed down a bit. "I have to agree with him on that one Lou. Sorry mate." Louis put a hurt expression on his face. "I'm hurt!" We all continued to laugh. Liam left. Probably to get a nurse. The boys and I continued to talk before Liam returned with an older nurse probably in her 50's walking behind him. She smiled when she saw me awake. "Harry how lovely to see you've woken up." I smiled back. "It's good to be awake." She chuckled. "Cheeky lad I see." She came over and started to check over my vital signs. She smiled at me before explaining how things were going to be from now on. She explained about my medication and how I have to take things easy from now on. It was a lot to take in. I was free to go home in 2 days. I can't wait to go home and be able to sleep commando again.

Authors note- Did you like this chappie? Please let me know because I'm getting reads but no comments. Ready for the next chappie? Next chapter will have Claudia annnnnd wait for it............a POV from Danielle!!! I looooove her!!!!! Danielle might have a POV in the chapter after the next one, depending on how long Claudia's POV is. Well please read, vote, comment and become a fan!!! You all are amazing

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