Chapter 14: Teenage Dirtbag,

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"Why do you care what I want? Would it matter if I said I wanted you?" Kiran whispered.

Carter felt as if time had suddenly stood still. She stood still, afraid that if she moved, if she even breathed, time would speed up again and she would be left behind.

It was a very strange thing, to fall for the guy who had once tried to cut her ponytail off, just to see what she'd look like with shorter hair. The guy who once ate a spoonful of Wasabi for a dare, and then ended up in the Emergency Room. The guy who was, in every sense of the word, unpredictable. This moment was no exception. This was as unpredictable as it could get for Carter.

She stared at him, her eyes wide with confusion. She was certain the blush she had felt creeping up earlier was now in full bloom. She didn't know what to say, or what to think. In times like this, she would usually run off, find Leigh, and discuss the situation until the next morning, but she couldn't even do that.

"Are you being serious?" she asked, her voice so small that she wasn't even sure her lips had moved.

"You honestly think I'm making this up?"

Up until maybe a week ago, Carter had always assumed that everything strange Kiran did was just for fun. Just a joke. That he was trying to make her laugh, or had a devilish scheme up his sleeve.

"Well how about this... you stand there, figure out what you really want, and then get back to me." He walked away without waiting for a response. He left her there in a state of pure perplexity. She kept searching for the right words, for a way to make all of this make sense again, but he had already disappeared before she was even able to breathe properly again.

"Hey," said someone from behind her. She jumped at the sound and faced the culprit. Tala was standing there, her eyes filled with curiosity, and Carter wondered if the girl had been close enough to hear everything. From the look of sheer amusement on Tala's face, Carter assumed as much.

"You scared me," said Carter, her hand over her heart.

"Sorry. So... you and Kiran. I have something to tell you about him," Tala declared, her amusement rising.

Okay seriously, everyone needs to stop obsessing over Kiran. "There is no me-and-Kiran, and I don't think I want to hear what you have to tell me."

"No, you do need to hear it. You know that guy who chills with Aiden? The guy on the basketball team? Jack Echolls?"

"I think I've seen him around." 

"Good. So get this, he told me that he was the one who got your name for Seven Minutes, at Elena's party. He said Kiran heard him mention it, and he paid him a hundred bucks to trade, and then made him swear not to tell anyone."

"What?" asked Carter, almost yelling. Did that mean that Kiran truly, honestly, wholeheartedly liked her? Had meant to kiss her? Was actually jealous of Aiden for that reason alone? "Are... are you sure he wasn't lying?"

"Of course I'm sure. And don't worry, he hasn't told Aiden. He promised me he never will."

Along with a bit of lightheartedness there came a nagging anger. So Kiran had paid someone to have a go at Carter. Some part of it didn't sound right. "I can't believe he did that."

"So, what're you gonna do? Stay with Aiden, or dump him for Kiran? Or you could always juggle them both."

"Oh my God, Tala. I'm not going to play them like that."

"Why not? Girl, you've gotta loosen up a little. Have some fun. It's not like you owe either of them anything. We're only in high school."

"Because... because I can't do that to-" Carter stopped. To who? Kiran? Aiden? Maybe Kiran deserved it, after daring to pay some guy for a chance to be with her for seven minutes. Then again, maybe he didn't, because maybe he wanted to be with her for real. No jokes. No dares.

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