Chapter 9: Hollaback Girl,

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Carter had expected an impressive, grand set-up of equipment, black leather couches, gross groupies hanging on to every member, and a mess of food wrappers everywhere. What she walked into instead was a clean, dimly-lit living area. The guys of the band were scattered around, all either practicing their music or tuning their instruments. Carter realized she should have expected this. It was Kiran's band, not some hardcore punk-rock band from the eighties. They could give themselves the baddest, nastiest name in the world, but at the end of the day they were a group of well-behaved guys. Not that Kiran had ever pretended to be anything else, but for some reason the Populars suddenly seemed to think his band was Newton's answer to teen rebellion at its finest. 

As the three girls walked into the room, some of the guys looked up and smiled.

Tweedle-Dee left without saying another word.

"There he is," Tala said excitedly. Kiran was sitting in a corner fiddling with his guitar. His eyes were barely open and he was slightly bobbing his head along with the soft music.

"I thought Georgie wanted to meet him," Carter asked as Tala pulled her along. Georgie had trailed off. She was now flirting up a storm with Seth, the drummer of the band; a blonde, pony-tailed kid with much-too-torn jeans and way too many spiked bracelets. He had a very kind face, which didn't mix well with the rest of his try-hard look.

"Okay, so I lied. Just because he has a girlfriend doesn't mean I can't... look at him," Tala confessed. "Or talk to him."

There it was. The ulterior motive Carter had been dreading. "That's not a good idea."

"What? Why? Don't be such a downer. Besides, it's not like I'm going to try and break him up with his girlfriend. I'm not like that."

"That's not what I meant. He just seems busy."

"He's just playing his guitar. He won't mind," Tala insisted. "Hey Kiran!"

Kiran looked up at them. His eyes fell on Carter and his expression became a little tense. Was he still upset over the comment she had made at her house? His strange behaviour had been grating on Carter's nerves. Maybe now was a good time to find out what his problem was.

"You guys look awesome. Elena said you sounded great in rehearsal," Tala gushed. She was in full flirtatious mode, and Carter was afraid for Leigh's sake. Tala had the ability to bewitch any guy she set her sights on. What was more dangerous was that she did it in a less obvious way. She didn't sleep with them. Or, as she had said, cause break-ups. She just teased them to the point of wonderfully desired manipulation, the way only a beautiful girl could manipulate a hopeless guy.

"Thanks.  You should come watch us practice sometime," Kiran said.

"Will it be in a dark, dingy, fume-filled garage?"


"Sounds like fun." Tala smiled a devilish smile.

Carter rolled her eyes, angry at herself for going along with Tala. What would Leigh think? Carter was basically pimping off a gorgeous girl to Kiran, all while Leigh was at home, sick as a dog, upset that she couldn't make it to the party. What kind of a friend did that?

"Leigh and I will be there too," Carter piped in, not caring if it annoyed Tala, or if Kiran even wanted her there. He would have to get over his personal issues.

The tenseness returned to Kiran's face. He then turned away and began playing with his guitar again.

"Tala, can you give us a minute? I need to ask Kiran something."

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