First block went by extremely slow, and although I loved math, I just wanted today to be over. Bryson hadn't said a word the whole class period, which was weird for him. Then again, I don't know what weird is now that we're dating. Is he just afraid to let everyone know we're together? I kept sneaking glances at Bryson, but he hadn't taken his eyes off of his note book. Hell, he hadn't even written anything down. When the bell rang, everyone basically ran out of the class room; everyone except Bryson and I. I stayed behind as he shoved his things into his bag and finally stood up. We walked out of the classroom and stopped at my locker.

"You sure you're okay? You've been quiet all day." He looked up at me, and I couldn't read the emotion that was in his eyes, but I knew he wasn't tired.

"Yes, Riley, I'm fine," he snapped. I wanted to take a step back, but I just turned into my locker, grabbing my books. I heard Bryson sigh, like he realized he was in the wrong.

"I'm sorry. I'll see you at my house, okay?"

"Yeah," was all I could say. He placed a kiss on my cheek, and I couldn't help but smile. He smiled back, a genuine smile, and headed down the hall. I closed my locker and leaned up against it. Something must really be bothering him.


All together, the day went by way too slow. I was glad that it was almost summer break. The only thing that would ruin it was when Bryson left for school. He hadn't even told me what school he chose. I practically ran to my car and drove to Emmys house. All of the vehicles were in her driveway, which was slightly unusual. Her parents usually didn't get out of work until five. I turned my car off, pulling the key out of the ignition. The door opened before I could knock, and Mrs. C pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hi, sweetie! I'm so glad you could make it." She looked worn out. Her hair was thrown back into a messy ponytail, she had bags under her eyes, and her clothes looked a little baggy.

"I always have time for your amazing dinners." She blushed at my words. She motioned me to head into the kitchen. Emmy was already sitting at the table and Bryson was leaning against the counter. He shit me a smile when he saw me and walked over, planting a kiss on my cheek. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I could help but laugh at the shock written all over momma C's face.

"I knew this would happen eventually!" She squealed, wrapping us both in a hug. I chuckled as she pulled away. I looked over at Emmy to see her gagging herself. I grabbed a napkin off the counter and balled it up, throwing it at her head. I bursted out laughing when it caught her off guard and she nearly fell out of her chair. These were the moments I lived for.


"Dinner is served," momma C said as she placed a dish of lasagna on the table. My mouth watered at the sight. I dished a big piece onto my plate. I noticed Bryson staring at my with his jaw dropped.

"What? I like to eat, okay?" He shook his head and laughed. He had definitely seen me eat this much before. I took a bite from my lasagna and moaned in enjoyment.

"Is it good, dear?" Momma C asked.

"Mhm," I nodded, shoving another mouthful in. Everyone laughed.


"Thanks for helping with the dishes, Riley," Emmy said as we finished up the last of the dishes.

"When don't I help out? This is like my home." Emmy smiled and we put the dishes away.

"Girls, ice cream!" Emmy and I raced over to her mother, each grabbing a bowl and heading towards the living room. I grabbed my and Bryson's bowl and Emmy grabbed one for her and on for her father.

"Thanks, beautiful," Bryson said as I handed him his bowl. I blushed at his words and plopped down next to him. I was happy to see the change in his attitude from earlier, but I still couldn't help but wonder what was wrong. Shortly after, momma C came into the living room, sitting down next to Mr. C.

"Riley, I have some news I would like to share with you since you are part of my family." I nodded. I was worried, but I felt honored to be apart of the family. Did that make things weird with Bryson and I? I could feel Bryson tense up next to me when his mother talked. I wonder if this was what had been bothering him. "I have cancer," she blurted out. If Bryson hadn't been sitting next to me, I would have dropped my bowl on the ground.

"What?" I knew what she had said, but I couldn't believe it.

"It's going to be a long recovery, but the doctors think we caught it in time." Is that why she looked so tired? Her clothes were too baggy? I couldn't retain what she said to me; I was too shocked.

"You know I will do whatever it takes to help you guys out," I finally said. Bryson rubbed my back, seeming more calm than he was a few minutes ago.

"I appreciate that, dear. Like I said, you are a part of this family." I smiled at her words, but I didn't know how much longer I could hold back the tears.


The mood shifted drastically after the bin momma C had dropped. It was hard, but we played bored games to bring the mood up. It worked. I managed to win monopoly, which never happens.

"I should probably get going," I said as I checked the time on my phone. Momma C wrapped me up in a bear hug, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Come back soon. You're always welcome here." I smiled and sent her a nod. She knew I would probably be here tomorrow.

"I'll walk you out," Bryson said as I put my jacket on. I smiled at him, and we walked outside.

"Is that what was bothering you earlier?" I asked as he walked me to my car. I could hear him scuffing his feet, which drove me nuts, but I didn't say anything, knowing he was hurting.

"Yeah, I just didn't know how to take it. I didn't understand why it had to happen to such an amazing woman." I grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.

"She's going to pull through this, Bryson, and she's going to be even stronger than she was before. We all are going to be." He smiled and wrapped me in a hug. "You know in here for you." He nodded, and I rested my head against his chest. We sat like that for a little while before I looked up at him. He smiled, placing his lips against mine.

"You're amazing, Riley Allister." I kissed his cheek and got into my car. He waved as I left. I knew this was going to bring Bryson and I closer, as much as u didn't want momma C to have cancer. We were all going to be okay.

How are you guys liking the story? Please, let me know if there is anything you want to see in this story that I haven't done yet!

Teaser: I'm honestly not sure yet, so it'll be a surprise!

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