Chapter Fifteen

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School flew by in a blink of an eye. I was beyond excited to go to the football game. Deep down, football was my true love. It was something my dad and I use to watch all the time.

"Riley, over here," Emmy called out. She decided that she was going to kidnap me before the football game and find me something to wear for my date with Bryson. Wow, I'm going on a date. That still hadn't clicked in my head. I walked over to Emmy, who was leaning against her car. "Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded in response and hoped in her car.


"I think these would look great on you," Emmy said, hiding up a pair of black skinny jeans. Emmy had a great sense of style, and I was always happy when she picked out my outfits. It was less I had to do.

"What about this shirt?" I asked, hiding up a peach colored, three quarter length sleeve that hit below the butt in the back. Emmy had a big smile on her face as she held the pants up to match.

"This will look great! He's going to regret not wanting to be with you soon," she said with a wink. I laughed, shaking my head at her comment. "I have the perfect pumps to match this!" Emmy got way to excited when it came to fashion. Whether she admitted it or not, I felt like she would go into the fashion industry once she graduated high school.

"Great, we have an outfit. Let's get out of here," I said with a smile. Emmy just chuckled and we headed up to the counter to pay.

"You ladies find everything okay?" The cashier asked. We both nodded with smiles on our face. "This outfit is gorgeous. I hope you're getting it for a special occasion." I laughed. I loved how people could tell what you were going to do based on your outfit.

"She definitely is," Emmy said, handing her credit card over. I hated when Emmy paid for my stuff, but I knew there was no way around it since she had insisted. The cashier bagged up our purchase and we left.

"Let's get food. I'm starving," I said to Emmy. She shook her head, and I frowned at her.

"I'm not sure what Bryson has planned for your date, but if it includes food, he be upset that you won't be able to eat," she said with a laugh. It was true. I was now going to have to suffer through a football game without eating anything.

"There better be food then," I pouted.


"Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the Raptors field. The coin toss will be in about ten minutes. There is a concession stand with amazing food at the end of the bleachers. All proceeds go to new equipment for the football team!" Everyone cheered as the announcer talked. Emmy and I sat in the middle of the bleachers. We had a perfect view of the whole field and both sidelines.

"This game needs to start already. I'm starving," I said, holding my stomach to be dramatic. Emmy laughed.

"You still have a while, sweet cheeks." I hated when she called me that. She had such weird nicknames for people, and that had to be my least favorite. I groaned at the thought of having to sit through this game without anything to eat.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for the Raptors!" The crowd went nuts. You could tell who was rooting for what team. Three quarters of the bleachers were filled with green and gold, the Raptors colors, and the other quarter was filled with white and blue, the opposing team. The Raptors busted through the banner that had been set up in front of the entrance and the crowd screamed. Bryson, Matt, and Andrew, the captains, were the first to break through. Not only were they captains, but they were easily the best players on the team. Once Bryson hit our teams side, he turned to look into the bleachers. He smiled when his eyes locked onto mine. I returned the smile.

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