Parker's Wrath and Juvia's cursed Past

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"Yup, just tell me where she is." he said.

"Hai!" He happily said.

"Now go! and don't forget to protect her!"

"Yes Ms. Lucy!" he said as he ran off with the girl.

Now that she's safe, we've gotta deal with these wolves. "Let's do it Juvia!" I said. She just nodded to me and we charged at them. We attacked them  one by one but they keep on coming back. I didn't noticed that one was behind me. "Lucy!"

When I looked back, I saw the wolf burned to a crisp and I saw Natsu running to me, as well as Erza and the others.


"Natsu. Erza." Juvia whispered.

"Are you guys alright?" Erza asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." Juvia said.

"Natsu, behind you!"

A wolf pounced on him and crashed him down. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" he said and the wolf disappeared. We attacked them one by one. Everyone was giving it their all.

"Water Slicer!"

"Heaven's Wheel: Blumenblatt!"

"Dark Ecriture: Pain!"

"Roar of the Sky Dragon!"

"Darkness Stream!"

"Fairy Bomb: Gremlin!"

"Baryon Formation!"

"Iron Dragon's Roar!"

We attacked and attacked but a the largest wolf managed to grad Juvia and hold her captve. "Juvia!" I called out. Before Natsu can throw his flame at the wolf.... "Ice Make: Super Freeze Arrow!"

We all looked back and saw Gray, on his motorcycle and, just in time, caught her. "Gray-sama?" she muttered...

Gray's POV

Just in time! But... what the heck is happening here? and what's with the wolves? Juvia and I ran with the others and we heard a loud roar. It was absolutely familiar. I looked back and saw Parker. "Alex?!" Juvia said with a surprised voice.

Indeed, It was Parker and he was surrounded by a dark aura. I finally remembered who he is. During my training with Ul, she said something about the Parker Family and she said that the Parker Family is a family whose ancestors are demons and the one who posses the greatest demonic powers ever is him, Alex Parker.

"Give me my fiance!" he hissed.


"Don't you see it Parker, she doesn't want to be married to a scumbag like you!"

"Gray?" Juvia whispered.

"Don't you dare butt in this situation ice head! You don't know what will happen to you and to the entire world if Juvia doesn't marry me!" Alex hissed.

"Stop it Alex!" Juvia yelled.

"Why wont you tell them the truth Juvia?!" Alex said, looking at Juvia.

"Truth?" Lucy stammered.

"What truth is he taking about Juvia?" Erza asked.


"Juvia." I whispered.

"Juvia knew that this day would come." she said.

"Juvia?" Evergreen and Wendy said simultaneously.

"Minna... Gomene..." Juvia said saddly.

"That's my girl!" Alex stated.

Juvia surrounded herself with water but this time, the water is mixed with an aura, an aura that fights back against Parker's. She charged up with rapid speed at him.

Juvia's faith and Gray's vowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant