Marco is going to find out about this somehow, someway. I knew that when he found out about this he was going to war with the thought of revenge on his mind and not a clear head. I do not want that to happen at all, I had to talk to Marco and I had to talk to him now. But he would still be in Italy for a however long it takes to fix that mess which got me into this mess. Mathis was in front of me wiping away the tears that once again were flowing down my face without me noticing. Killer emptied the room out of the women so they could talk, I tried to leave with the women when Killer pulled me back when I walked past him.

Killer shook his head when I sent him a questioning look. I gave a sigh before going to sit on the couch in the room. Daddy dearest started walking over to the body and examining it. "What was in that container?" he asked Killer.

"Don't know dad, we're still working on it." Killer told him.

"Well work faster." he demanded.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to say, "It's cyanide poisoning."

All eyes turned towards me, I swear this thing with getting stared at is getting old and I only just arrived today. Get over me being here, because apparently I'm staying. Killer and Mathis was looking at eachother then back at me, daddy was looking annoyed at me. The other members were just thinking about what I said, and if I was right. Just then the biker that Killer had analyzed the container came running in. "Prez the container was filled with cyanide poisoning."

Again all eyes on me. "How the hell did you know that?" Daddy dearest asked me.

When I didn't answer daddy came over to me a placed a hand over my throat, and started to strangle me. I tried to get him off me, I mean I've had bigger guys strangle me before and I got them off of me just fine. Must be my conscience because this man is my father, but at the same time he's not. Killer and Mathis were both trying to get him off me and they weren't having any luck either. How could I tell him when he's trying to kill me, what did he think I had something to do with those men? Okay so...maybe that was because of me, but I didn't know they would be coming here to kill me.

They finally got him off of me and brought a biker that had combat medical training to check me over. But I just waved him off, I didn't need the check over. All I needed was my pain meds and a warm bed, but there was no way in hell I was staying here with my own father trying to kill me. The prospect that I handed my heels to, was back and with clean shoes. I was about to get them on when I looked up and saw Killer, Mathis, and dad was talking, probably throwing ideas out about how I know that. Looking back down at my heels, an idea popped into my head, picking up one of my heels, I aimed towards that small group. When I threw the shoe, it hit directly on my father's head, I grinned when he looked at me like what the hell.

" Hey jackass it's simple, because I've seen cyanide poisoning before. I know what happens when someone has cyanide poisoning with them or what they look like immediately after taking cyanide. I caught it too late to save your hostage. Sorry Killer." I said to them rubbing my sore throat, then apologized to Killer.

They were looking all dumbfounded at what I told them, walking towards them I picked up the heel I threw at them and placed it back on my foot. I started walking towards Mathis's room to grab my purse and walked back out to the bar with them still standing there, still trying process what I told them. Seeing my bag at the seat of the bar where I sat when I came back in, I grabbed it and started towards the door.

"Ariabelle what are you doing?" Mathis asked me snapping out of his day dream.

"I'm going to a hotel, because there is no way in hell that I'm staying here with a man that just tried to fucking kill me!" I shouted at him while pointing at my father.

Killer tried coming after me, but he wasn't fast enough. I slammed the clubhouse door and practically ran out of there like the devil was on my heels. Mathis came running out right behind Killer, and he was looking pretty pissed. I guess he had a right to be, this is the second time in one day that his wife was running out on him. But I had a good reason, plus I needed to inform Marco because I know he wanted an update on everything that happened in Vegas. Especially the kidnapping. I needed to be alone to talk to him. I knew my mother would be worrying as well because I was supposed to come home today.

Getting in my car I was fully aware of all the members outside talking, having a beer, or in the garage fixing their bikes. When they heard the door slam they all turned their attention to the source which unfortunately is me. God how happy I am to get away from all the stares and whispers about me, if I had to endure that much longer I surely would've done more than throwing a knife into some sluts chest. Turning my car on and throwing my bag into the passenger seat, in the corner of my eye I notice someone approaching my car. Mathis. I quickly lock the doors and put my car into drive and left before he even had time to get to the door.

Driving into town I had found this cute Bed 'n Breakfast, that had some vacancy. I couldn't be more glad because I can feel the pain to my back, what I needed was a hot shower, my pain meds and a soft bed. I pull into the parking lot and grab the bag that had been carelessly thrown into the passenger seat, and start walking inside to check in. There was a sweet little old lady at the check in desk, she looked liked my grandmother on my father's side. She had gray curly short hair, she was about five foot six, and for a old lady she still had her curves. She looked up when she heard the door open and when she did I swear it was like all the color had drained from her face. It was like she had saw a ghost.

"Hi I would like to check in please?" I asked sweetly.

"What now dear?" she asked confused.

"Can I have a room please miss?" I asked again with a little concern in my voice.

"Of course dear, let's see now I assume you would like a single bed." she said turning around to look at the available keys hanging on the wall. "Ah yes here we go, room 17. Just go down the hall and on the left will be an elevator. The room is on the second floor, now when you step off the elevator you turn right, the room will be the last room on the right sweetheart." she explained to me.

I nodded and said, "thank you."

Walking away from the desk, I started to wonder. Why was the women looking at me like she had saw a ghost? Why did she look like my paternal grandmother? Why had all the color drained from her face the moment I walked in? All of this was too much to comprehend right now, I needed a clear head and a good shower. Walking down the hallway I noticed the elevator right away, thank god that when I pressed the up button I didn't have to wait long. Only two floors and what looked like twenty-five rooms available, stepping into the elevator again I didn't have to wait long till I arrived on my floor. Arriving on my floor I quickly step out and walk towards my room, I found it easily and placed my key in the lock. As soon as I walked inside my room, my phone rang. Looking down at my caller i.d I answered the phone instantly, "how's Italy Marco?"

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now