I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

Start from the beginning

"Uh, is--is that..." Kim trailed off. "I'm sorry. Is that a metaphor?"

I walked into the hospital's car park, walking toward the Impala, tapping on the trunk. "Crowley, listen up, you son of a bitch. One for yes, two for no. You alive?" There was no response. "Come on. Don't be a pouter." There was a knock. "There we go."

A man in a suit grabbed me by the back of my neck, holding an angel blade to my throat. "Ness Singer-Winchester."

"So, you know who I am," I told him.

"Yes," the angel answered. "And you'll be helping me."


The angel pushed me down against the Impala's trunk, standing very close, holding the angel blade raised threateningly. "If you lie to me, Ness, I will rip your throat out. Where is Castiel?"

"Who's asking?" I asked.

"Try ever angel who was ejected from their home," the angel answered.

I nodded. "Oh. Oh, well, in that case, I have no clue."

The angel slammed me against the trunk twice, sliding me up to the back windshield, raising the blade to stab me.

A man caught the angel's arm from behind. "Easy there, brother. This young woman has done no harm. Are we creatures of wrath or compassion? I would argue the latter."

"Forgive me, brother," Angel 1 told him. "I don't recognize you."

"Happy to make your re-acquaintance," Angel 2 told him. "After you disarm."  Angel 1 let me go, turning to face Angel 2 completely, punching him in the face. "Come, now. Is that any way to treat a brother injured in the fall?"

Angel 1 tried to stab Angel 2 with his angel blade. Angel 2 caught is arm, punching him twice in the face, tossing the blade aside, punching him in the face. Angel 1 punched him in the face twice, making him turn away, taking him by the jacket, pushing him into a nearby SUV's window, making the tinted glass shatter on impact, making Angel 2 bleed from his mouth, stepping closer.

I took the angel blade from the ground, stabbing Angel 1 in the back, killing him with a flash of bright white light, letting the body fall to the ground. I looked from the seared angel wings on the concrete to Angel 2. "Who are you?"

The angel leaned against the SUV weakly, wiping the blood away. "Never mind me. You're the wife of Dean Winchester. I heard his prayer, and I am here to help."

The angel fell unconscious.

I nodded awkardly. "Okay."

I looked around to make sure no one else was coming.


I had called Dean to get some help to get the angel out of view, into a garage where we knew no one would come.

We had him trapped in a circle of holy fire.

Dean had explained he had prayed to all angels for help, not knowing that they wanted Cas dead, and that they were willing to use us to find him.

The angel woke up.

"You want to help?" I asked. "Start with a name."

The angel stood. "Ezekiel."

"All right, Ezekiel," Dean told him. "How do we know that you're not hunting us or Castiel like the other angels?"

"Oh, I'm sure there are many angels who are," Ezekiel told us. "Many more are on their way here, most likely."

Death by Life / Book Eight / The Life Series / SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now