Chapter 1

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[A/N]: WEELL... this happened faster than I thought it would xD I'm actually typing this at school on my iPod... So like... If this sucks I'm sorry! But it's time for de THREEQUEL. I... I don't know okay. This chapter is dedicated to Sexyrinaaa for making me the adorable pic in the multimedia! Ready for more?!

[Louis' P.O.V]

"Niall," the Kitten eared boy curled on the couch hissed. "I am not feeling good. Do not touch me."

I'd been with my Kitten hybrid Harry for nearly nine months, and the boy had come so far. He now read at a fourth grade level, which was fantastic because he'd only been reading for about seven months. He no longer stumbled over words or spoke in third person... although, I was still Harry's Louis.

Niall was poking at Harry's stomach, "You don't eat as much as I do, how are you getting pudgy?"

"Niall Horan I swear-" I walked out from where I'd been getting Harry some crackers and water in the kitchen.

"No, no," Niall held up his hand. "It's Niall Payne, thank you very much."

"A pain in my ass, dog boy," I grumbled, sitting next to Harry and handing him his water and crackers. The boy wasn't getting pudgy. He just had developed a bit of a tummy in the place of a seemingly endless flat torso. It wasn't bad, and in fact, I found it adorable. Plus, if I nuzzled my nose against it as I slipped under the sheets in our bed, Harry would squirm and make a surprised squeaking sound.

As for Harry's patience for Niall, they generally ran a bit longer, but Harry hadn't been feeling the best lately. About a month after Liam and Niall had returned from their honeymoon, Harry had been feeling ill at random points through out the day. It was generally worse in the morning, and the only breakfast the boy could keep down were crackers. Liam said it was probably just stress from the past few months' events, but Harry seemed like his normal happy self.

"Thank you," Harry leaned against me and nibbled on a cracker.

"See Lucca or something," Niall sighed, his ears and tail falling. "You're boring now."

"I am okay though," Harry shrugged. "My tummy sometimes has a hurt spot but it goes away."

"He's got a point though, love," I kissed the side of his head. "Maybe Lucca could give you some medicine."

At that moment, Liam came bounding into the room, planting a kiss on a surprised Niall's mouth, "Finished my second book! I just have to send it in to be edited."

"Ooh," Niall grinned. "Celebratory sex?"

Liam face-palmed, "Oh Nialler..."

Maisy, the sixty pound Golden Retriever barrelled into the room, and Niall laughed as the sixth month old puppy leaped upon me to kiss Harry.

"What did you all feed her in Paris?" I gasped, moving her paw off my stomach and pulled her away from Harry who was trying to save his crackers. "She weighs so much!"

"C'mere, puppy," Niall crooned, and Maisy raced toward Niall, flinging herself onto his feet so he'd rub her belly. Both of their tails were wagging, and Liam chuckled at his husband. Harry resumed munching on his crackers, but he made a pitiful sound, shaking his head as he held them back to me, "Do not feel good..."

"My poor Kitten," I whispered, patting my lap so he'd lay his head down.

He curled his knees towards his chest, wiggling so that he could turn and press his face into my stomach. My fingers carded gently through his hair, and Niall frowned at the younger boy before he took Maisy out to use the restroom. Liam crossed his arms and examined Harry, "Maybe he should go see Dr. Shell."

The younger boy squirmed over, sitting up, "I am-"

However, he stiffened, clutching his stomach suddenly before leaping up and dashing into the kitchen. Liam and I remained in the front room, staring after the younger boy in confusion. From the kitchen their was a hacking sound. Instantly I scrambled up and hurried after my Kitten, finding him hunched over the trashcan as he was sick inside. I slipped up behind the younger boy and gently pulled his hair away from his face as I stroked at his back. Eventually, he whimpered and set the trashcan down, his lower lip trembling.

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now