#1 : You are getting married to somone else but he ruins it somehow! (part 1)

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Here goes my first preference! Wish me luck! Oh and (f/n) means fiance name. Sorry didn't do Niall! :'(

Harry (his POV): (y/n). The love of my life; yet i am letting her marry that douche bag! The boys tried to make me tell her i love her but. I lost that chance. I waited Two long fudging years! "Harry!" (y/n) yells for me. I smile at her, and connect our arms."Hello Love! Are you ready to go to that dou- i mean groom?" She smiles that dashing smile of hers."Of course i am! I waited 2 years for this!" She says laughing. We walk towards the limo, and i open the door for her. "My lady." I say in a royal voice. "Why thank you my good man." She giggles while hopping in. I take the sit directly in-front of her. She holds out a paper to the driver. "To Chester Deanery please (that is a real church in Cheshire England!)". " Sorry no can do lassy." the driver turned to us, and i couldn't believe my eyes. "Louis!?" I yell. He smirks. (y/n) starts screaming at the top of her lungs. Louis frowns but speeds away. "Harry!" (y/n) yells at me. "I swear it wasn't me love!" but she ignores me, and flips me off. "Lou! Tell Her!" I growl. Louis shakes his head. "You should have told her, and i wouldn't be doing this!" He says. I pout, and cross my arms. I slightly look at (y/n) only to see her silently weeping. I caused her this. Now i am the douche.

Liam (his Pov. No! Innocent Liam!): "(y/n)! We are going to be late for you'r wedding!" I yell. If only she knew i am not really taking her there. "Coming Lili!" My phone vibrates. 'Everything is set Liam. Good luck you naughty old dog you! ;) - Loulou' I laugh. I hear her heels hitting the stairs as she runs down the stairs. I turn, and my breath gets caught. "What? Do i look bad? Oh my god is my hair messed up!?" She starts panicking. I chuckle "You look beautiful love." I hold my hand out for her, and she gladly takes it. "Thanks Lili!" I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I hear a car horn go off ,and that's my cue. Here is where i either win the love of my life or lose her completely after tomorrow. She looks out the window, and i take my chance. I pull a napkin out of my hand with chloroform, and put it over her mouth. She struggles at first but then gives up. I feel her limp under me, and i pick her up walking out the door, to the car, heading towards the airport, where i will take (y/n) for a day somewhere far. As i am driving i cant help but look at her, and feel guilty. What if i cost her her happiness?

Zayn (you'r Pov): "Zayn! I need help! I can't pull the zipper of my dress up!" I hear a door open, and then a bang. I turn towards the noise, and see that Zayn ran into the wall covering his eyes. I hold my hand to my mouth to stop a giggle from coming out. "That wasn't funny (y/n)! It hurt!" He pouts. I feel butterflies in my stomach. No. Go away! i am getting married i can't feel like this for him anymore! I see Zayn stand up ,and touch the walls trying to get to me. He finally gets close enough to me but he accidentally grabs onto my breast. I gasp ,and  he automatically blushes "I am sorry (y/n) i can't see!" I laugh ,and nod. (His Pov) I pretended that i couldn't see what i was touching to be able to touch her. Even if this sounds creepy i can't take it anymore! She turns her back, and i zip her dress up. She turns, and its like one of those really gushy romantic movie moments when i just see the future i could've had with her slip through my hands. I can't control myself for much longer. my phone vibrates 'ALERT! ALERT! Ugly mutt Groom walking to the beautiful princess bride's room! - Nandos Lover'. A sudden rush of ideas run through my head, and i pick one of them. Perfect. She smiles at me, and i smile back. I hear light foot steps coming to the door. I grab (y/n)'s waist ,and pull her towards me. I smash my lips to hers roughly, and she moans softly in my mouth. "What the hell is going on here!?" Me ,and (y/n) turn to see none other than the ugly groom himself. Well..... Shit happens bro! I can't help but smirk at his face. I turn to (y/n), and give her a small smile. "(y/n) you whore!" My blood boils, and i turn to him. Bitch is going down!

Louis (his Pov): Right now i am at the fitting room with (y/n) trying her tight dress on. Damn. That ass! "Lou! Are you staring at my bum!?" (y/n) yelled. I blushed. "N-no." She laughs at me. I wonder if its fake or re- "LOUIS!" "Hm wh-what!?" She just shakes her head at me, and chuckles. I couldn't control what came out next. "Is you'r butt real or fake?" I cover my mouth really quick. (y/n) turns to me, and raises an eyebrow. "Want to see?" She says with a smirk. I had no idea what she meant by that until she starts walking to me very slowly, and provocatively. I fall onto the chair mentally cursing myself. She grabs my hands, and place them to her bum. N-no! Shes getting marri- Oh my gosh i just touched the forbidden fruit! I feel myself hardening. "U-um i need to go!" I get up from the chair, and run to the bathroom. As soon as i am done i walk out to hear (y/n), and her fiance yelling at each other. "(y/n) don't try to lie! I saw everything!" (f/n) yelled. I heard a thud, and walk out to see (f/n) holding (y/n) by the throat. "HEY! WHY DON'T YOU MESS WITH SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" i yell. He turns to me, and smirks. Shit. These are the moments i hate being the Sass Master from Doncaster.

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