The Path

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A piece of paper fell and landed in front of the four. They all silently read it in their heads. And wind will whisk through them all. " Your last medallion awaits here. Choose your path wisely, it shall determine your fates. " The creepy voice said. Instantly four path ways appeared in front of them.
    They all stepped onto the one I front of them . Stella crossed first. But before she could step any further she disappeared into thin air. " Well goodbye guys. I guess I'm gonna die now ." Jace said. " No!" Camryn said . She pushed him off the Pathway before he could take another step. Jace had no choice but to go on Camryn's walkway . They all walked together. Peyton and Jace gave Camryn worried looks. Jace was almost to the end of the walkway. He silently whispered goodbye .
     They all took one last step. But only two of them made it to the end.
Camryn looked to see if everyone was okay. And then she saw it. A body. It had blond hair that was fading to white, and it was clutching a dagger. It was Peyton. Jace saw it too. " No! It should have been me! I'm the one who's supposed to die!" He said. " No , your not. Did you finally figure out my trick? It was you all along worthy one. You pulled the sword out of the dragons hand ! You got pricked by the lucky thorns! And now you and the brave have come to face ME!" The voice shouted. Jace went and got the medallions from Peyton's wrist then followed Camryn into the creepy voice guy's battlefield.

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