The Clearing

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When Peyton woke up he relized where he was. " The clearing ."the three of them said. " That Creepy voice dude might be here so watch your back." Camryn said. " Oh , I am here. But you'll have to find me!" The creepy voice dude said.
      Peyton was still feeling a bit woozy from the thing that has hit his head. He remembered what it looked like and he was sure that it was the water medallion. He searched around for it but found nothing.
     " Guys, a medallion conked me out earlier, it must be nearby. "Peyton said. " Okay."they said. Nobody found it. But Jace found something else. " It's Keira , and Haylie!" He said . " We have to get out of here." He beckoned.

Camryn and Peyton followed Jace. We ducked under an arch and ran through into a large room. " Where is Stella?" Jace asked . A loud scream echoed. Jace ran as fast as he could to find Stella. When he got back to the clearing , he saw it . Stella was fighting Keira.

MedallionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora