Into the Night

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    Camryn ran fast. She could see the out line of Keira's shadow, and was hot on her tail. Then the shadow morphed from human to bird. Keira was the crow. And she had all the medallions. If she got the medallion off of Keira then all would be good.
      Camryn ran faster. Wow she's slow.Camryn thought. She lunged and tackled Keira . Keira kicked her chest , and started to run again. Camryn threw her sword at Keira and it caught her cape. " Rrrrroooooooaaaaaaarrrr!" A animal growled. A dragon came flying out of nowhere and stated attacking Keira. It ripped off the medallions and flinched them towards Camryn. Keira was so horrified that she practically died right when Asteroids appeared. Once the sky medallion was gone , Keira was just a helpless girl. Asteroid sent a fireball toward her that burned part of her cape off.
Keira threw her flaming cape towards Camryn but missed setting to tree on fire , which caught on to anther tree making a massive forest fire. Keira ran depose into the flaming forest, and Camryn returned to her friends. The got onAsteroid then flew into the darkness. Camryn gave Jace the earth medallion, and Peyton the ice medallion, and kept the Sky one for herself, that way they all had emergency powers.

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