01: Yui delivers fan mail

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If there is one thing Yui Hiriko isn't good at, it's Hangul.

Along with singing, being still, and not blushing.

Her jaw dropped as Shiki handed her the stuffed bag of fan mail, letters trailing behind him from the elevator, where a pile had already formed.

"Why so many?" The girl cried, shuffling through the waves and waves of mail.

"Bangtan has gotten extremely popular lately," he said in a nonchalant tone. "As their publicity manager, you're required to do these kinds of things. Bye!"

"You're publicity, I'm music!"

Her cries fell upon deaf ears as he disappeared behind the sliding doors of the elevator.

Yui stood there, before she groaned loudly and heaved the bag up, walking into the room.

j i m i n

The dancer sat in the corner of the room, knocked out, head back and drooling slightly.

Like a river~ sang out in her mind as a stack of letters piled next to the sleeping dancer, and she shivered as she stacked some particularly..... erotic, messages in with the others

"Jimin's fans worry me, sometimes," she murmured before stepping away from the younger boy and padding away.


It wasn't uncommon to see the idols watching tv on mobile devices in their free time, and that's exactly were she found the residence 4-D member.

His brown hair was messily styled ok his head, eyes glued to the latest episode of Naruto.

"V!" She called brightly and the alien looked up and grinned.

"Yo-Yo Ball!" He cried before leaping up from under his blanket to hug grh older girl.

Crack, she imagined her bones going from under the pressure of the hug.

"You have mail!" She winced, dumping a pile of letters into his waiting arms.

Anime totally abandoned, the alien spread his letters around himself.

"Sweet, McDonalds coupon! Maybe now they'll give me a toy!"

H o s e o k
N a m j o o n

2/3 of the hyung line sat in a corner before Hoseok noticed her.

"Hey Yui!" The resident bringer of hope   chimed brightly and the leader smiled at her.

"Fan mail!"

Namjoon's eyes widened. "I had fan mail?!"

A thump on the table in front of him proved her point and the both of rapper's eyes practically popped out.

"One girl addressed me at J-Hoe..." Hoseok trailed off and Namjoon's laughter was poorly held back.

Unfortunately, his laughter didn't last long.

"Somebody sent you tape!" Hoseok cried, holding Namjoon's package and Yui's laughter was heard all the way in Canada.

               J   u   n   g   k   o   o   k

After twenty minutes of tearing the entertainment company's headquarters apart in order to find the younger boy, she finally located him.

Being the gold maknae he was, he was solo practicing upstairs, Fantastic Baby blasting loudly.

"Wow, fantastic baby," she chorused, and he spun around to see his surrogate sister dancing to the song and he almost fell over.

Despite being a good dancer, the dance just looked so awkward on her.

"Watch out Jungkook, I will become the Golden Maknae!" Yui said in a sing-song tone as she landed in the splits.

"You're not even part of the group." He whined and she scoffed, brushing invisible lint off her left shoulder as she stood up.

"Watch your back, Hoseok, I will become dance leader!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his foreign sister's tone before they widened into saucers as a large stack of letters invaded his a practice room.

"The noona's really love you, 'kie."

Jungkook nodded slowly and stiffly, still in shock at the numbers and barely registered the elder's leave.

J i n

"Yui, sit down!" The eldest chirped once he saw her and she complied.

"What do you have?"

Jin smiled in reply, tilting his container forwards to show chicken in peanut sauce.

"Here, have some!" He offered and before she could say anything, he was scooping a small portion off into a bowl.

Her smile shine brightly at the older male.

"Much thanks!"

The fan-mail sat unnoticed to his right as he continued in making his food video.

                  Y   o   o   n   g   i

The rapper seemed to be half asleep in the lounge down the hall from Jungkook's practice room.

The elder's chocolate hair spread out around him as he slept, almost masking his tough stage presence.

As she dug around in the bag, she brought out a medium amount of letters, and she couldn't help but feel upset.

Several of them stated whether or whether not he knew A-list idols and when his mixtape would drop.

"If only he was appreciated more," the foreigner sighed, before producing a piece of paper from her pocket.

Soon, she had finished, and all that was left was the sound of her heeled shoes clicking against the tile.

Dear Yoongi,

thank you for holding together Bangtan.

thank you for your production.

thank you for comforting the maknae line when they're upset, and the hyung line as well.

you will never be able to understand our appreciation.

love (platonically of course),


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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