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Becca's POV

The way my name rolled off his tongue had my heart picking up speed slightly. Oh, God, I needed to shut up. I put up my posters and waited to think about what to do. I decided not to let one of my staff members to go out into town to get supplies because I wanted to meet some of the people. I just prayed to God that not all the people in this town were weird. I was in an antique shop, because I love gazing at the old and or unique items, when I bumped into some girl.

"Ow!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry!" I apologized over and over.

"No, it's fine," she waved it away.

She had tan skin and black hair. She looked pretty.

"I'm Becca," I told her, holding out my hand.

She took it and shook it.

"I'm Gabbi."

"I just moved into town. My grandparents gave me a house in their will," I told her.

"Really? I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents. What house?" She asked, grinning.

"Um, Blackwood Manor," I recalled.

Her eyes widened at the name and her mouth dropped.

" 'Blackwood Manor'?!" She repeated in horror but also curiosity. "The Blackwood Manor? Did your grandparents hate you?"

"What? No! We were so close!" I defended, slightly hurt.

"Sorry, it's just that Blackwood Manor is haunted. A man legitimately died there after being killed by one of his staff members!"

My eyes popped out of my head.


"Yeah, I know! My mom said her grandma was delivering the newspaper to that mansion and heard screams. She went inside to check up on him and found him lying dead next to one of his main butlers. He had stabbed the owner and then stabbed himself."

I became really scared. But then I remembered what Luke said. Don't believe the gossip. Just old wives tales.

"How do you know the butler did it? Maybe someone else did."

"The man abused his staff. Treated them like slaves. And I guess the butler had the last straw with him. Oh! You have to meet my friend Ella! Ella, come here!" Gabbi called out in the store. A girl came running towards us.

"Who's this, Gabbi?" Ella asked.

"This is Becca. Guess where she lives!"

"Uh, I don't know. I give up," Ella shrugged.

"Blackwood Manor!" Gabbi squealed.

Ella's eyes got big and wide too. They both started freaking out.

"You just have to take us there!" Ella pleaded.

"I will. Maybe after I buy this antique vase to spruce up the mansion a bit. I'll be back for more stuff, I know."

I reached the counter and the cashier was attractive. His almost pitch black hair shining. His bangs were pushed to the right (his left) side of his face. He had these chocolate brown eyes. His pale skin brought out his features. His jawline was slanted but super sharp I could cut my eyes just my looking at it. His eyes caught mine and my breath kinda hitched in my throat. Let's just say I almost choked on air.

His grin showed his white teeth and I swear I saw a sparkle in his purely whitened teeth and in his eyes. He wore a green store clerk's apron over a brown tee shirt. He looked completely stunning.

"Hey," the cashier boy greeted with a smooth voice. I almost fainted. "Find everything you needed today?"

I weakly nodded, still staring at him as I pushed the vase towards him. Gabbi and Ella were quietly snickering behind me. The cashier boy grabbed the vase, but not before making sure his fingers overlapped mine and he pulled it to the scanner thing. A blush showed on my cheeks and I just rubbed them to cover up the red.

"That will be $24.99," the boy told me.

I grabbed out my card and swiped it. Once the vase was paid for, the boy handed the vase to me in a shopping bag. I reached for it and our fingers brushed again.

"Um, my name's Sam," the boy named Sam held out his hand to me.

"I'm Becca," I replied, using my free hand to shake his.

"Ella and I are going to wait outside," Gabbi said suddenly. Ella just nodded and followed Gabbi outside.

"So, uh, are you new in Blackwood?" Sam asked, scratching the back of his neck and awkwardly.

"Yeah, I moved here because I inherited a house my grandparents left me when they died."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear they died," Sam replied. "But, where is this house they left you? Maybe we live next to each other."

"I've heard done rumors already about my house, but, it's Blackwood Manor," I flinched, preparing myself for more rumors.

"Oh, yeah! I've always wanted to see what it was like there," Sam recalled, leaning his arms on the counter, closer to me. "Maybe you could show me around there sometime."

Frick, he was as smooth as his voice. I laughed.

"Maybe once I get a tour myself! I've only been to the main hall, the bathroom that's connected to my bedroom, and my bedroom," I answered honestly.

"Well, how about dinner, then? Friday?"

Sam's brown eyes found my green ones again and he smiled a soft smile.

"I think I'd like that," I said. "Might I ask why you're working in an antique shop? You don't look like the type of guy who'd enjoy this sort of thing."

"You don't seem like the type of girl to be in an antique shop either," Sam shot back.

"I like history. Old things are cool and intriguing. Just like old people. They're just more interesting."

"Well, the reason I'm here is because my grandpa opened this shop and then added it over to my dad who employed me till I get married. Then I become the owner."

"Interesting. Welp, I've gotta go now, so, I'll see you Friday," I said, walking away. I waved and he waved back.

I went outside and met up with the girls. Obviously they just had to know what went on in the store.

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