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Becca's POV

The clock was about to strike midnight and we were all holding those giant machine things Ashton and Calum had been holding earlier. Turns out everyone else knew about the ghost but were too terrified it wouldn't work. I told them to take a risk and if it didn't work, i told them that if Ronson was unarmed, how would he hurt us?


"You guys ready?" I whispered in a hushed voice to them as we hid behind a wall near Ronson's room. They nodded. "Tonight we ride."

"We're on foot, we aren't a riding anything but our feet," Luke whispered into my ear, his lips brushing against my earlobe.

"Figure of speech," I whispered back.

As if on cue, the clock struck midnight and Ronson floated out of his room through the door. Literally.

"3," I started a count down quietly. "2, 1. Go."

We started running towards Ronson with our machines and started to attack Ronson the ghost. He laughed over and over again.

"Oh, this tickles!" He shouted over all the sounds of the machines as he started growing larger and larger before BAM! He exploded.

"We did it?" Luke questioned.

"I THINK WE DID!" I shouted excitedly. I turned to face Luke to hug him.

"Oh my god! Becca, behind you!" Liz shouted.

"Becca, get out of the way!" Luke shouted.

He was about to push me out of the way before I felt a sharp pain in my back and my stomach. I looked at my stomach and saw a shiny, bloody knife pointing out. Tears prickled my eyes and I attempted to look at Luke but I started to fall.


I watched Becca fall down like a cutdown tree. Behind her, Ronson was grinning with satisfaction that he had stabbed Becca with the knife that murdered him. I wanted to go to Becca but my doctor father and my mom beat me to it. My anger towards Ronson spiked out of my body. I charged at him and I expected to go through him but instead, I hit the old man. His body was solid but it could go through walls. I beat him up and he just laughed. I realized something. Maybe he can be killed again with the thing that killed him in the first place. I ordered my mom to take out the knife and give it to me as I kept Ronson pinned down.

"Luke, I can't! She'll die! She's losing too much blood."

Ronson laughed.

"So what will it be?" Ronson sneered. "Save the girl you love or destroy the thing that killed her? Either way, she dies."

"And one, you do too," I replied. "Mom, knife, now!"

"Luke, are you sure?" Dad asked.

"It's what Becca would of wanted," I said, holding out my hand.

Mom ripped it out and tossed it to me. Ronson's face was contorted in hysterics and laughs ripped through his body. I jammed the knife in his stomach over and over till his body started turning into shards. Soon, he was gone. The knife disappeared and I didn't care. I ran to Becca and kneeled beside her. Blood soaked my knees and I pushed hair out of her pale face.

"Is she dead yet?" I asked, misery soaking inside my body.

My mom took her pulse before a sob racked through her body. She nodded as tears ran down her face. I knew it was hard for her because she really liked Becca. So did I. My tears started falling onto her body and everyone else gathered around, crying too. When my eyes were cleared up a little, I saw her wound. But there was something about it. It looked as if it was shrinking. I pointed it out to everyone and we watched, our breaths quieting down.

Then, Becca sat up, coughing her heart out and catching her breath.

Becca's POV

I heard cheers and yelps of joy. Once my eyes opened after my coughing fit, I saw Luke coming towards me with wide arms and I felt him give me the biggest hug I've ever received. When we let go of each other, adrenaline still pumped in our veins. We did something crazy. We kissed. It felt better than Sam's. His lips felt so soft even though he had chapped lips. I did too but we didn't care. The kiss wasn't rushed like Sam's. It was slow and perfect. There were more wild screams. And I didn't even care.

(a/n: OMG I'm sorry this was so short but I love you guys! 😘💋)

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