"I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible mother. I should've known his abuse wasn't okay. I should've known. I should've known you weren't okay. It wasn't counciling you needed, it was just someone to talk to.. And I wasn't there." She said the last sentence in a whisper and now we were both a crying mess.

"Mom." I whispered. Although some of her words were true, I didn't want her to feel the guilt and it wasn't completely her fault. I chose to not tell her how I felt. I chose to let her stay in that marriage and continue on. If it's anyone's fault it's mine.

"I'm so sorry honey. I-"

"Mom it's not your fault. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped and I should've told you this a long time ago before it got too far." We hugged each other and stopped the conversation there eventually leaving the box and driving down the road to pick Augie up. He was just a baby when everything happened and the most he can remember from those times is throwing his bottle at the chandelier in anger causing the glass to splatter all over of the floor. Yeah Augies terrible twos weren't your typical nightmare.

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. Of every feeling, Of every pain, of every time, of everything that happened. It happened 3 years ago but I could remember it like it was yesterday.

"Hey Augie. How was school?!" I asked him as he jumped in my lap. I knew it was just daycare but Augie and I called it school because that's what he thought it was. I signed him out on the sign out sheet as he talked.

"It was great and my best fwiends Dylan and Cole invwited me to to their biwthday pawty!"He exclaimed. I ruffled his curls and picked him up on my hip.

"Awe are you excited?" I asked pinching his cheeks.

"Of courwse!" He said in a duh tone while turning and seeing mom. He wiggled out of my arms and ran up to her engulfing her into a hug. Oh those sweet innocent days.

"Mommy!" He squealed as they hugged. He began telling her about the party as she buckled him into the seat. I closed the door to the passenger and my mom entered turning the car on.

"So can I go can I go can I go!" Augie asked impatiently.

"Of course you can honey. Those twins are so cute with their blonde hair and dimples." Mom said. I chuckled.

"Yeah but their also really hard to tell apart." I pointed out.

"Oh you know I heard their going to be in a commercial shooting this week. Did you hear they recently started an acting career." My mom said.

"Really? That's cool!" I exclaimed. "I should start hanging around them more in case they make it famous. No one can forget me!" And with that my mom and I both began laughing forgetting the crying and everything that had been going on just a while earlier.


I had taken a shower, changed into my night clothes and began doing my Homework. All I had on was the lamp on my nightstand and the TV which I turned the volume all the was down too. I also lit a candle on my dresser and the aroma filled the room.

My peaceful mood was suddenly interrupted when a knock sounded on my window. I Jumped and my eyes when a tall muscular figure emerged opening it. Why I didn't keep my window locked? Don't know but now I've learned my lesson.

"Wha-why?!" I whisper shouted at him as he entered my room wearing casual basketball shorts and a muscle tee.

"Shh." He said placing his hands on my lips. I tensed at his touch but did not push him away. "Look I know your not okay and I consider you my friend so I want to know what's going on." He demanded.

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