16-Fun ghoul

106 6 27

Gerard's p.o.v

I walked through the same field I'd been in a hundred times now. I wandered along running my hand through the tall grass until I saw him. He was staring up at the clouds with his hands in his jeans. I snuck around behind him and then approached without him knowing. I took a moment to appreciate just how hot he really is and god how much I love him. Then I launched myself on to his shoulders and tackled him to the ground. He screeched as we rolled over and over on the grass. When we stopped I was in a hysterical fit of laughter and Frank was still a little shocked.

"Don't worry baby it's me." He lay on the ground and I propped myself up beside him and stroked his head.

"Jesus Gee. Talk about a heart attack."

"I might change my hair colour back."

"Huh? How will you do that?"

"Well I have to dye it black until my natural colour comes back. What do you think?"

"I'd like to see that. You'll be a heart attack in black hair dye."

I bent down and kissed him.

"Where to this evening?"

"How about, new york."

"Interesting, why there?"

"Just random."

"Okay well you take us there then." We appeared at the top of a penthouse looking out over NYC. He went and sat on the bed as I looked out over the view. "Good choice babe."

"Thanks. Hey come here." I walked over to him and he grabbed my hand and dragged me down on top of him.

We lay there, deep in a make out session until I moved down and started to lick and suck at his neck. He took of his shirt and I licked at his nipples making him moan quietly when I reached his jeans I took off my shirt and his jeans. He gripped at the back of my hair as his dick was further down my throat. When he had came and was satisfied I lied next to him and held him in my arms. He kissed me and moved slowly down to my neck and along my collar bone. Suddenly he jumped down my crotch and returned the favour.

When I came he swallowed and looked at me shocked.

"How the fuck have you made it taste like candyfloss?"

"I can do anything. And so can you."

"Holy shit." He sucked me off again as there was no limits in a dream. And we continued this pattern for the rest of the night.

In the morning Frank woke me up by straddling my hips and nibbling my neck. I grabbed him and rolled over so I was on top of him but his legs were still around my hips. When we were done making out, we went downstairs. Ray and Mikey were still asleep and I went and made us coffee as he put on the TV. I came in and he was watching some show about baking. I gave him his cup and sat beside him.

Eventually Mikey came down and Ray followed. They sat on the other sofa and we had a casual conversation.

"Right so what are the details about the event?"

"Okay it's this saturday and it's fancy dress."

"Told you Frank, what kind of fancy dress do people go in?"

"Drag or opposite sex. Or just regular fancy dress." I did a celebratory fist pump as I was so going to get Frank in that dress.

"Great in the evening yeah?"

"Yeah we can all go together." We had breakfast and me and Mikey left for school. Frank and Ray walked us there and when we were outside me and Frank were deep in eachothers throats. I watched Mikey peck Ray on the cheek and turn bright red. But before he could turn away Ray held his face gently. When their lips were joined Mikey seemed to relax and I thought it was the cutest. Me and Mikey walked in to school together and I tried to resist teasing him about him and Ray.

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