6-Stop talking

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Gerard's p.o.v

We were lying on his bed together whilst the film played when I turned to look at Frank and saw he was fast asleep. I smiled at how adorable he was and stroked the curl on his fringe. But i wasn't going to stay next to him while he slept. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I could see in his head that he would be unconscious for a while. I got up and exited his room into the mess of a house his mum had created.

In half an hour I had fixed his house. Cleaned the walls. Picked up the rubbish. Cleaned the floor and tidied everything. Frank had another hour of sleep so I went out and brought him groceries. I also got him a few treats as well, put them in the fridge and sat on the sofa and turned the T.V to Kerrang! and waited for frank to wake up. I estimated at most he would be ten minutes.

As I predicted he was stumbling out of his room in ten minutes. I heard the confusion in his voice and head.

"What the fuck?" He had muttered to himself but loud enough to be heard. He walked down the stairs. "Gerard?"

"In here Frankie." He walked through the door staring at me questioningly.

"Did you,"

"I did!" I cut him off excitedly. I was very proud with myself and saw Franks face soften.

"Oh my god Gee you didn't have too!" He came towards the sofa and we sat cross-legged facing eachother.

"But I wanted to, for you."He wrapped his arms around my neck in a hug.

"Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you!" I held him closely to me tightly.

"It's nothing Frank honestly."

"I used to do it when I was with Stacey but then I gave up."

"Look Frank, It's okay." I moved back to look at him again and he mimicked me as always. I was going to do it this time. Our faces were moving closer again and my eyes were flickering to his lips. He was doing the same when suddenly.

"Hey Gera-"

"Frank," I placed a finger to his lips and he hushed up. I moved my finger, closed my eyes, and pushed my lips to his. He seemed stunned but didn't hesitate to kiss me back. We were sat quite awkwardly on the sofa so it wasn't a long kiss at first. We broke away because of the positioning and to breath. He rested his forehead against mine.


"Yeah Frank?" And he kissed me more passionately than the last time. He moved his body round into a much more comfortable position, sitting on my lap with his legs wrapped around my waist. I place my hands on his hips and he tangled his fingers through my hair. His tongue licked my bottom lip begging for entry and I allowed it without hesitation. We had each wanted it for so long we weren't holding back and it was amazing. The electricity that he sparked through my entire body, just, oh my god. Our lips worked together almost in sync and our tongues were wrestling for domination. My hands were moving up and down his sides and our hearts were racing. I was slowly pushed backwards by Frank and soon I was lying back on his sofa with him straddling my hips. Our lips never parted and the atmosphere was intense.

Sadly soon our lips split as we ran out of breath. Frank hung above my face, panting as much as I was. Our eyes met and we smiled and laughed. I moved my head up and pecked him on the lips then sat up pushing him off gently and heading for the kitchen.

"Want any of your treats?"

"Wasn't I just getting one?" I laughed and turned to the kitchen and brought him back the bag of skittles, tube of pringles and hersheys chocolate bar. I walked back into the living room carrying Franks items. He was lying sprawled out on the sofa with his hand across his forehead and he was breathing slowly. He looked up when he heard me enter and smiled then eyed the things in my hands.

"Gerard! Oh my god thank you!" He squealed running up to me and throwing his arms round my neck and kissing my cheek. He took the gifts and jumped on to the sofa patting the space beside him. I plopped on to the seat and he snuggled up in to my side. I put my arm around him and kissed his head. We found the horror channel and watched till evening. Happy and content.

Frank's p.o.v

I didn't fall asleep this time I was too hyped. Oh my god. We had made out and my heart was racing. He kept absent mindedly, I assume, stroking my shoulder and it made my insides go crazy. At the second horror film we had eaten most of the stuff Gerard had brought me and was getting pretty tired of the films. I got off the sofa and walked into the hall. Gerard seemed stunned that I had moved when his arm had been around me. But it didn't take long until I heard him move from the sofa too. I legged it up the stairs as quietly as I can and got in to my room and ran to pansy. I picked her up and and had begun playing when Gerard walked in to my room smiling. I had rehearsed this piece a few times and was quite happy with it so was glad Gee got to hear it. He seemed happy too. When I finished he walked up to me and gently lifted the guitar strap from my head and placed her extremely gently on the ground. I was astonished and loved him more for how gentle he could be with something that wasn't typically viewed as delicate but was important to me.

When he was finished with placing Pansy on the floor he came back up to his usual height and looked deeply in to my eyes. I rested my hands on his shoulders and he lent down. My eyes closed and I lent upwards. Our lips collided and sparks flew throughout my veins. His hands were on my waist again and one of my hands had moved to his chest. He tangled one hand through the hair on the back of my head and snaked his other arm round my back. Pulling me in to him and pressing us tightly together. I pushed myself into him as much as I could. I just wanted to be close to him, I loved him so much. We would have quick small breathers but not for long as it was hard to keep ourselves away from each other.

After an unknown amount of time, making out we had somehow neared my bed. Gerard fell back on to it pulling me with him laughing. I laid atop of him, nibbling at his neck, gaining an odd moan from Gerard causing me to moan into his neck. His hands were moving down my back and up my sides. Sending shivers down my spine.

"Gerard." I moaned into his neck.

"Frank." He responded.

"What time is it?"

"What?" He sat slightly up and I moved back, sitting on his lap.

"My mom comes home at around 1 am I want to know how long it is roughly till she's here so You won't be visible when she comes."

"Oh, ok hang on babe." He pushed past me and to my desk for his phone. "Uh, eleven. Is that ok?"

"Yeah we'll be fine. Now come here." I gave my best attempt at seductive and it seemed to work well enough as he ran and jumped me back on to the bed. It was his turn to tackle me and the skill he clearly had was astounding.

We rolled around for quite a while taking it in turns to be on top of the other. Each earning moans from the other. Gerard was amazing. He hit all my pleasure spots, not just with his mouth but his fingers on my sides. My back would arch in thrill and he loved it as much as me. I felt like I didn't reach his standard when it was my go but I tried not to focus on that and tried to enjoy myself. I had wanted to do this with him for so long and right now his body is as much mine as mine is his. It felt as though I could hear Gerard speaking in my head.

You're doing great Frank. Oh my god Frank it's amazing. Keep going. I really love you.

I figured it was just in my head but it was all I needed for my confidence

After about an hour I got up and decided to get a drink. I told Gee to wait in my room for fear of my mother but he accepted it and just asked I made him a coffee. When I returned we snuggled up on my bed watching the comedy channel, making out the odd time.


"Yeah Frankie?"

"Are we.."

"If you want." He cut me off knowing the question.

"Well do you want?" And he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me passionately but gently. When he stopped he smiled and rested his forehead against mine.

"Okay then so you're my boyfriend?" He giggled and pecked me on the lips then wrapped his arm round my shoulders and snuggled back in to me.

"I love you Frank."

"I love you too Gee."

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