9-Date night

152 11 11

Frank's p.o.v

We had been at the mall for about an hour and was yet to buy anything. We went and got lunch and then continued around the mall. We had eventually reached the line of shops that we actually liked. We brought stuff in all of them and a couple of times I would look at something really excited. But when I saw the price I shook my head and walked away. When I turned around again Gerard was at the counter with the item I was previously viewing. He then walked up to me and handed it to me. After the fourth time I said about it.

"GEEEE! Stop it. You can't keep buying the really expensive stuff."

"I got the money and I want to. for you." He stroked the side of my face and I put my hand over his.

"I know but it doesn't feel fair. You're spending all your money on me and I mean I'm honored but..."

"Hey listen Frankie, the way your life has been with your mom. I think it's about time you got some new stuff and are shown that YOU are NOT worthless. Because I love you Frank." He kissed me in the middle of the store. It wasn't long but when we pulled away most of the store was staring. I made an effort not to care and instead I just worked to focus on Gee.

"Thank you."

"Hey, don't thank me. But are we done in this store?" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes. Let's go." I grabbed his hand and we hurried out the shop away from the staring people. We didn't go in many other shops. Only because we got bored of the same stuff in the same shops. So instead we wandered around with all of our bags. Eventually we came back to our park and decided it was a good idea to hang out there.

We mucked around on the swings for a while and then Gerard spun me on the roundabout. We acted like such kids and if other people had seen us they probably would have thought we were on drugs. However the park was empty. But to be honest we were just happy and enjoying ourselves. After an hour I got up from the climbing frame and went and slumped under the tree. Gerard came and joined me and linked his hand in with mine.

"You feeling ok?"

"Yeah. Thank you for all that stuff today, and what you said."

"I meant it Frank. You mean everything to me and I love you." I turned and looked straight into his eyes. Both our eyes were flickering to the others lips. I leant in closer and so did he. Our lips connected and the same electricity passed through my body as it did every time. I put my hand up to his face as our speed and intensity in the kiss increased.

His hand went through the hair on the back of my head and he pushed his lips harder into mine and his other hand moved up my thigh. I placed my hand on his chest and gripped his shirt. His hand was moving up my thigh again and I gasped.


"I know, I know. Cinema?"

"Yeah let's go." We were panting with our foreheads pressed together. He got up and pulled me with him. I went to grab the bags but Gerard beat me to it and smiled.

"Let's put this in your house first."

"Better off in my room in case my mom comes in for some reason." We set off down the street together and were soon at my house. Once the stuff was put in my room we were back outside for the cinema. It was getting dark and we decided to have something to eat first. We went to a pizza place and got a table in the corner amongst all the preppy kids who just returned from school

"So Frankie what films are there for us to see?"

"I dunno. I mean, I don't go to the cinema often."

Frerard- WinglessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora