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Frank's p.o.v

I definitely wouldn't say I had a crush on him. I just thought he was cute like a lot of the other girls were thinking. And that's normal to think if you're attracted to that sex then you can agree someone's cute without crushing on them. Why was I thinking this over so much? He sat beside me drawing on a different sketch than the one I saw and I had a feeling it had something to do with me seeing it. Probably not though as there was no question he would be straight, looking like that... I had to quickly stop my eyes from the wandering the path they were on over Gerard's body. I could never deny how genuinely amazing he looked. He was like an angel.

He stopped sketching for a second and froze. I looked away before he saw me staring at him. Our maths teacher was rambling on about some pythagoras theory or something. Me and Gerard both agreed about how we hated maths and I liked that. I could feel instantly that we could be really close friends and I hoped we would be good friends. I just hope he won't go like everyone else.

Maths eventually finished and me and Gerard ran out the door. We joked a bit about our stupid maths teacher and just aimlessly walked around the courtyard. I saw Bert and the others giving funny looks but their looks changed when they saw Gerard walking beside me smiling. His smile was infectious and I couldn't stop the stupid grin spreading across my face.

"Hey Gerard?"

"Yeah Frank?"

"Want to bunk today?"

"Sure what you want to do?"

"I don't know, Park?"

"Yeah sure cool." So we walked straight through the open gates and headed for the park a few blocks away.

Gerard's p.o.v

I think me and Frank were friends now. I liked him, a lot. And he was so cute, constantly debating in his head whether he had a crush on me or not. I definitely had one on him. But I was a lot surer of my emotions than humans and could know quicker. I was constantly analysing each feature on his person every time he wasn't looking. And I obviously knew each time I looked away he was doing the same. He wouldn't know I was but he suspected it so I tried to stop but it was hard. I was constantly learning so much about him but it never really helped with the fact that some things, and they don't realise it, humans can lock away and I can't see or hear about it. Most of these things were secrets and such but with frank I could hardly ever find anything about his body. I know that's strange that I'm looking but as I said I know I want to be with frank and having a crush, I can't resist my urges. I knew things like his mum the abusive alchy, his dad and the murder, his group of 'friends' and the events this morning, the now healing wounds on his head and the events that scar him both physically and emotionally. I had already decided on my new sleeping arrangements as I will make it my commitment to protect frank. I guess I really am a guardian angel after all, just without my wings...

It was Frank's idea to bunk and I was quite fond of it seeing as I really wasn't up for P.E and DEFINITELY wasn't up to my still fresh wounds being visible to these people. We were going to the park and on the way Frank was asking me questions about myself. He asked regular things you ask when you meet a new person, Parents, big events from throughout your life, last school, hopes, aspirations. I asked some questions too as to be normal even though I already knew all the answers. He didn't ever lie either. But then again I didn't ask too many extremely personal questions so I don't know why he would lie. But the questions I did ask were ones I knew would give us stuff in common like about bands as I knew we both like the misfits and bands similar.

When we got to the park we just goofed around a bit and bonded into stronger friends. He had definitely said we were proper friends now and made a joke about no going back now. I was so happy to have already met frank. Every time he laughed it burned in my heart. And every time he got all embarrassed it was the cutest. And every time he felt down because his mum or dad or friends were mentioned, it was agony not to full on hug him till he broke. I mean after all he is so small. But I could already see he was strong for his height as he threw heavy stones and pushed things strong for a human of his height. The way I pretended to throw stuff, meant he thought he was stronger than me and he got this huge grin and all giddy in his head about it.

Frerard- WinglessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon