Coloured Kisses Baby; Coloured Freaking Kisses

Start from the beginning

"Well Amanda, I'm really sorry for pushing you over, I honestly didn't mean it; will you ever forgive me Princess?" 

She flushed bright red at the teenager in front of her, stammering out, "N-n-no its okay, I'm fine." 

Blushing... check. 

He let a knee buckling grin take over his face as he stroked her chin gently, before whistling, "Well my fair maiden, we have to get you off the floor and make sure there are no bruises upon your skin." 

She giggled as he helped her up, before kissing her forehead lightly, making her still. I turned around and walked over to Sam who was chatting with Luda, smiling at him widely. I interrupted this by slamming my ass down on her lap. 

She didn't even flinch, or make a mood to barge me off, just moved me slightly so we were both more comfortable then continued her conversation like nothing ever happened. Jack farewelled the little girl as she ran toward her friends I had stolen her from, and walked over, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"So are you coming to the party tonight?" Luda asks me as I shrug, "Yeah, Nan wants me to go, because Mum's coming over to 'talk to her' about my current living arrangements." 

Yes, my mum had stuck true to her word. So much in fact, after I spent two days at Sam's, when I returned home, most of my belongings were on the curb and a note that basically sounded like I was an ex-boyfriend and that she needed 'a break' from me. I had to give her props though; she tried to draw a heart but it ended up being a coagulated mess. 

She also had written it with lipstick. 

Anyway after Sam's and Luda's help, I was sitting on Sam's bed, scowling every time my living arrangements or mother came into the discussion. I stayed at Sam's for a few days, but then she got grounded by her mum for not doing some chores, I loved Sam's mom and she looked sad that she had to kick me out. That's when I called Gran, mom could not stand her mother, it was because from the start, Gran told her daughter that she had to have a back-up plan, and she couldn't reply on the pig headed jerk that is my father. 

Her words, not mine. 

Gran was overjoyed to have me over, she lived an hour walk away from Sam, and surprisingly, I found out yesterday that Jack lived three streets over. 

Sam just happened to bring it up in conversation, completely out of the blue. 

So after three weeks and no contact with my mother, I could say, it felt nice to have somebody to talk to who wasn't breathing down my neck, trusted me and didn't make me live off microwavable meals. 

"Oh yeah? What do you think she wants to talk about?" Sam asked as I shrugged, "I honestly couldn't give a flying crap, do you reckon Shelly will be at the party?" 

"It's Shelly, of course she will be." She cracked a grin and I sent one straight back at her. 

Shelly was my long distance best friend, she was practically the first person I ever made friends with and loved parties. We talked every other day, but I hadn't seen her in three months, so the only reason I was attending this party was because word had gotten around to me that Shelly wanted me there. 

How could you describe Shelly? 

She was mischievous, rude and a party girl, to the bone. 

Not many people liked her, but were too afraid to stand up to her, she was incredibly intimidating and not in the 'beautifully scary' way but in the 'she would eat you for breakfast' way. She was strong and buff, she had left to go to military camp and no doubt she would be even stronger now, but she always had a soft spot for me. 

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