Just let her explain

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Kikuki POV

Aunty Ikumi ran into my room with a worried look. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I-I don't know, she just fell to the groung and started crying." I say.

"But I think it has something to do with....Satoshi." I mumble.

She storms out of the room with me and walks to Ota's room. She opens the door and Ota was sitting on a chair pai ting and when we entered he jumped to the ground screaming please dont kill me.

"I wont if you tell me where Satoshi is."

"YOU WANT TO KILL MY SON?!" Ota says on a girlish scream. Ikumi glares at him and he shivers. "I-n the lo-lounge..." Ota says.

Before we could turn around the back door opened and Sugato and Satoshi walked out of the room. "Dad you scream like a girl." Sugato mumbled.

I looked at Ikumi who was ready to kill someone. She pulled out her gun and i closed the door making the room sound proof.

She aimed the gun at Ota and purposely missed causing him to pass out.

She stormed up to Satoshi and grabbed his ear. I opened the door and followed her suit with my hands over my ears.

We got back to my room where we heard loud sobs. Im jealous.

Her loud sobs sound cute.

"You hear that?" Ikumi asks him. "Y-yeah" he mumbles.

"You caused this. Now fix it."

"I dont understand why she's crying! She doesn't like me so I doubt that I'm her problem." He says in a matter of factly tone.

I hurried up and shoved him on the room cuz Ikumi was reaching for her gun.

Satoshi POV

She looked up at me and buried her face into her knees deeper and cried louder.

I walked in front of her and sat down.

She peeked up from her knees and her loud sobs turned into small hics.  "What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks at me and tries to form word throuh her tears. I sighed and pulled her inro a hug.

She sniffled and pushed her face into my chest. I rubbed my hand up and down her back as her cries silenced. "Talk now."

"Y-you dont like me, anymore..." she squeezed me tighter. What is she talking about. She doesn't like me until I have someone.

Well not really, I just used her to make Kiriko jealous...

"What are yoh talking about? When I confessed to you, you just stood there." I said in a low growl.

"Y-you kissed me! I've never kissed anyone, I dont know how and when I chased after you, you cut me off!" Her cries becoming louder again.

I rubbed her back and rubbed circles into her back dimples.

"And, I dont like you Satoshi.... I love you." She mumbles clutching onto my shirt. I hughed her tighter as she tensed in my hands.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and tried to pull away, but I grabbed her and pulled her into a small kiss.

I guided her tounge until she finally got the jist of it and kissed me back. I pulled away and wiped the rest of the tears off her face.

I placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered in her ear. "So, will you be my girlfriend?"

She nodded and i stood up and helped her up.

Soryu POV

I got it....

I call Ikumi and she rushes in.

"Yes baby?"

"I think I know who's trying to kill us."


Hey my smexy bidderz. I'm really sorry for the short chapter.

I really don't know to write next so gomen.

Same with my llftx book. If you could give me some suggestions on what should happen next that would be awesome.

Panda out! 🐼✌🏼️

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