How'd you get my number?

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Guys. I'm not sure if u can see the pictures i put in the media box, so could u tell me if u do or don't?

"Hey grocery girl."


"In the flesh."

"How'd you get my number?"

"Me and your friend made a deal. I do her math homework and she gives me your number."

Kikuki I swear....

"Why do you want my number?"

"Oh ya know."

"I dont.... Actually."

"Well let me explain."

"I want to lie you-"

Someone knocks on the door.
"Kiriko it's me."

I quickly hang up the phone at the sound of my dad's voice.

"Come in dad."

He opens the door and walks in. I patted the spot on the bed next to me and he sat down.

"I'm sorry for what happened today, and I know I scared you when I pointed the gun at you-"

"No it's fine. People point guns at me every day."

I say trying to lighten the mood. "What?!" Dad says and stands up quickly.

Oh yeah... dad cant take a joke.

"No! Dad! I was joking. Calm down." I pulled his arm so he can sit back down.

"Kiriko, you scared me." He said and places a hand on his chest. "I also want to apologize for Samejima. I heard what he yelled at you and he just gets really worked up when it comes to work."

I nod my head.

"And I congratulate you on what you did today, I love the fact that you want to walk in our steps, but my heart couldn't help but break a little at seeing my innocent little princess murdering people."

He gave me a look if sadness and I saw the beads of tears at the tip of his eyes.

"It's ok dad. Let it out."

As if on cue, the tears are gone. "What are you talking about?" He asks.

My mouth fell agape as he chuckled. "Goodnight, princess."

(A/N father daughter moments I wish I had)

*the next day*

"Guys, I wanna try something new." Tskune says as school ends. "What is that?" Satoshi asks. "I wanna walk home." He says.

"No." Satoshi says. "You're such a buzz kill." Sugato grumbles.

"That would. Awesome! Let me call a bodyguard-" Kikuki starts.

"No, lets just walk." Tskune says.

--Time Skip--

We walked down the street quietly, and Satoshi grabbed my hand in his. "You alright?"

I nod my head and we keep walking to the hotel. "Excuse me." A guy in a black hoodie walks up to us.

"Yes?" Kikuki replies with s smile. "Would you mind telling me which one is Kiriko?" He looks up with a sadistic smile while holding a gun. I look back and see another guy with a gun.

"Guys..." I whisper.

The huddle inwardly without facing each other so our backs are pressed up against each other. "When I say go, everyone run." I whisper, feeling that adrenaline rush I felt while at the pier.

Growing up {Sequel to Guns&Girls}  (KBTBB)Where stories live. Discover now