24. Learn how to swim, Check

Start from the beginning

"What?" I asked, reaching for a roll.

"Stay out of the kitchen." She smiled and the wrinkles around her eyes crinkled with mischief. "Young Austin used to hide in the cupboards and scare me. Just last year he tried it again and I spilled turkey all over the floor." The twinkle left her eyes as she wrung her hands together and licked her lips.

"Tragic death for that bird." Austin shook his head and pulled Melda into his arms. "I promise we'll be good."

"You." Melda poked his chest, clearly forgetting her sadness. "Stay away from this area. I'll call you when I need you, until then, try to occupy yourself."

Austin's eyes turned to mine. "Hmm, I think I can find something to occupy myself."

Pretty sure I was that something. Not that I cared.

He held out his hand, I gripped it like a lifeline.

Melda shook her head and handed Austin a large plate full of rolls. "Here you go. Why don't you go into the breakfast room and have some protein and juice. I've set up the breakfast bar for you two, so you won't have any excuses to come back in here."

"She's really thought of everything." I laughed.

"Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday. She doesn't want me ruining it." Austin took my hand and led me into another large room different than the one we ate in last night.

"And this is the breakfast room."

The room was entirely covered in windows on the east side. The sun was already up, but I could tell why they ate there in the morning. It was beautiful and warm, almost like a sun room.

"Juice?" Austin called from behind me.

"Sure." I went over to the table and sat facing the windows.

"So." He rubbed his hands together. "You ready to knock some more things off that list of yours?"

I took a sip of juice and nearly cried. It was the perfect mixture of sweet and pulp.

"We gonna go bungee jumping on Thanksgiving?"

"Nah." Austin put some of the roll in his mouth. "We're going to skinny dip."

I choked on my juice.

"Of course, we can't do that in broad daylight. After all, what would Melda say? Swimming lessons first, nakedness second."

"I'm almost afraid to ask what third is." I didn't chance looking at him and losing my composure. I mean, I hadn't kissed a guy before him.

"Ally," he purred, his lips close to my ear. "You mean to tell me you don't know what comes after being naked?"Oh. My. Hell.

Somebody open a window.

His hand grazed my arm as he chuckled deeply into my ear. My body was tense with nervousness and anticipation as his hand made its way up to my shoulder and then he cupped my neck pulling me closer so our lips were nearly touching.

"Cranberry sauce."

"Wh-what?" I shook my head. "That comes after being naked?"

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