21. Meet the parent

Start from the beginning

He and my brother had been very close. He'd taken Anthony's death really hard and I knew mine would be just something else that might cause his heart to finally give out.

"Good, I feel great," I lied and hugged him back. "Dad home?"

"In the study waiting." Ronald smiled and clapped twice.

Two staff members ran down the stairs to grab our stuff.

I held out my hand to Ally. "Ready to meet my dad?"

"Holy crap." She wiped her hands on her jeans before latching on to me. "I feel like I'm about to meet the president or something."

I threw my head back and laughed. "Trust me, it's 'or something'. He's not that intimidating. Promise."

I could tell she didn't believe me. Her eyes kept getting wider and wider as we walked farther into the house.

The foyer had a bridge-like walkway that went directly toward the main room. A huge bay window let in tons of light from the front, we took a right and went to the study.

"Dad?" I called.

"In here."

I kissed Ally's temple as I clenched her hand and led her into the large study. It was decorated in an Old World style, complete with mahogany-wooded walls and matching bookcases.

Dad was sitting behind his large desk, sipping brandy.

"A little early to hit the bottle, eh dad?" I joked.

His eyes narrowed, and then he laughed. "Yes, well, I just fired Alfred, so I imagine I'm allowed to drink."

"What?" Alfred had been one of my dad's closest advisors for years. "What for?"


I cleared my throat and nodded toward Ally.

Dad waved me off. "Surely it's hit CNN by now." He tapped his desk as a flat screen descended from the West Wall.

Sure enough, as soon as the TV came on, there was news about the scandal.

"So." Dad turned off the TV. "Who is this lovely creature?"

"Ally." She held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, sir."

"Sir?" My dad's brows furrowed. "Do I look eighty?"

"Er, no?" She gave him a shaky smile.

"Mike." His eyes twinkled. "You can call me Mike, just don't call me Dad. It may cause a heart attack. I can't imagine this one settling down yet." He pointed at me and shuddered. "Poor boy can barely do his laundry and tie his shoes."

"Hilarious." I rolled my eyes.

"You can cook, can't you?" Mike crossed his arms. "I mean, that's why you brought her, right, son? To cook Thanksgiving dinner?"

I knew he was kidding.

Ally, however, didn't.

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