I parked, got out and went to knock on the door.

Miss Juanita answered, their family maid.

"Hola seniorita, Misses is just en her office." She greeted with a smile.

"Gracias." I thanked the sweet Lady and made my way to the office.

The house has always been beautiful, inside and out. Mahogany furniture, high ceilings, money practically oozing out of the walls.

Our family home here was big too. Very homey... and nice. After the incident, I moved out, I never went back again.

They sold it to the highest bidder when they left for Iceland.

When I got to her office door, I knocked twice.

"Come in." I heard.

A butterfly jumped through my stomach as I opened the door.

I'm really not trying to be down a publisher... I need to keep her on my team.

She was at her huge desk staring intently at her computer screen. Her hair was in a neat bun, she had on a suit and looked overall professional.

"So, talk to me...How's promoting your books going?" She asked.

"Well, I've been working extra hard to promote my books on Facebook and Twitter, uh I know have 75 Twitter followers, so uhm that's a start." I said nervously.

she looked up from her computer and to me.

"75 isn't impressive." she said flatly.

I opened my mouth and closed it. I didn't know how to combat that.

"Is that all you've done?" She asked.

"No, I also am making changes at my family's restaurant.... my books will now be featured on the menu."

She folded her hands on her desk, "Well that's better for news instead of the 75 followers." She laughed.

I gave a nervous breathy chuckle in response.

"Well now, I'm glad your here though because I received an awesome email today from Transview Elementary."

Book week?!

She's going to make me go?! 

"You have an opportunity, to go read your book to all grades during their PE class!" She exclaimed.

Gregory is persistent.

"Your son is the PE teacher right?" I asked.

"Yes but I got the email from the principal. I doubt Greg had anything to do with it."

I don't.

"Wow! So what day?"

"Well I told them you'd happily go tomorrow."

I faked my best smile.

"Pe-Perfect!" I retorted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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