Chapter 7

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Mason breathed in the crisp night air in as he left the now abandoned castle. He turned around and looked at it. This would be his last glance before he walked away from all of his memories. When he found his father's amulet, he realized something. He had to keep moving.He couldn't stay forever, and he had to leave at some point anyway. He was slowly going to pick up his shattered life, and put it back together. He was determined to kill all of the squids in the land, and no one was going to stop him. He would start a new kingdom. A new family. This would be his new life. Although he still was very depressed at the fact of his village being torn to shreds, he wouldn't let that hold him back. When he was younger, his mother used to sit with him and tell stories of adventures that her and his father had had before Mason was born. "We used to go all over the world, on missions for the kingdom. They were very dangerous, and we lost many lives while preforming them." The Queen had said, sitting on her throne with her hands in her lap. "Why did you do them if they were so dangerous?" Little Mason had asked, cocking his head at his mother while sitting cross -legged in front of her. "We did it because of the kingdom. We have to keep it safe, no matter what the circumstances. It's our duty. If we didn't go on these missions, the kingdom would be crumbling to dust." Alesa explained; remembering all the fun times she had with Adam and the others. "It was also out of friendship. We learned to care for one another, and we bonded more every mission we went on. We made new friends, and new enemies." She finished, fulfilling the boy's question with an answer. Mason wiped a tear from the corner of his eye at the memory. He had to avenge his kingdom, no matter what it took. He walked towards the gate, and he never looked back at the castle that now stood in ruins.

Heart of Butter: A SkyDoesMinecraft /Mason Dahlburg Fanfiction DISCONTINUEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu