Chapter 6

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Bu-bum. Bu-Bum.Bu-bum. Bu-bum. Mason's heart beat slowly. His chest rose and fell jaggedly, his shoulder throbbing with every breath he took. It was late, and the sun was setting. Mason opened his eyes. They widened in fear at the horrid sight in front of him. The first thing he saw was bodies. Many, many mangled bodies scattered around the debris filled wasteland that was once his village. They all were killed in brutal ways. Slashes all over their bodies, made by deep blue swords. Burn wounds from the fire. Bloody holes from the black magic. And all of the bodies that sat there were people that Mason once knew. The baker and his wife, the old fishermen and his grandson, the children that played in the forest every day after school. There were too many people that he knew to count. All dead. No, not dead, murdered. All by the enemy. The squid. Mason shakily stood up and looked around, and when he looked behind him, all he saw was crumbing walls and ripped yellow flags. The castle had been raided. He walked over to where the large spruce door used to be. "Mom? Dad? A-are y-you h-h-here?" He called, starting to break down. "Laur- Lauren! M-mom! Dad! A-anyone! P-please! C-come o-out!"He cried out, every word filled with pain. He fell to his knees; screaming at the quickly darkening sky. The only answer was the wind blowing through his hair, just like a few days ago, when everything was okay and no one was dead. When he was happy. He slowly made his way up the stairs, up to his room. The carpets were burnt at the edges;the large windows broken. He went into his closet. Everything had been thrown off the shelves, but one thing remained. Sitting on the floor, glowing a dull purple, wal his father's purple and gold amulet. Mason's lips curled up faintly. Destiny.

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