-Chapter 1-

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/AN This is my first book, so please tell me if there are any spelling errors, puncuation errors, etc. Thanks for reading!\
A soft wind blew through the late August air, ruffling Mason's hair as he roamed the village streets. The small golden crown on his head sparkled in the sunlight, sending beams of light in all directions. The citizens greeted him as he walked, and he politely responded with a kind "Good afternoon". Today was a lazier day, the white, puffy clouds slowly drifting across the blue sky. Mason made his way into the forest at the end of the street, and weaved his way between the closley-grown oaks. As soon as he was sure he was out of the village's view, he broke into a sprint, heading west, towards an old pine tree in the middle of a large clearing. When he arrived at the tree almost out of breath, he began to climb it swiftly. He reached the top, pushing some leaves out of his way to reveal a hidden trapdoor. He emerged into a medium-sized room, greeted by a girl with curious sea-blue eyes and long, curly blonde hair. "Took you long enough, Dahlberg." The girl said with a giggle. "I got held up, okay. It's not easy replying to every single person that greets you when you're a soon-to-be king. You try it Lauren, see how easy it is for you." Mason mumbled back, crossing his arms. "Someone's grumpy today!" Lauren smirked as he rolled his hazel green eyes. "So, heard any news about your training yet?" She asked. "Yeah, actually. I have a training session tommorow from twelve to sundown tommorow with my dad. I'm going to be practicing combat." "Hm. That sounds interesting. Hey, want to go oak hopping?" "Sure!" Mason replied happily, already making his way out of the window. Oak hopping was a game Lauren and him had played since they were small children, oblivious to the destruction and hate that was hidden from their innocent eyes. When Lauren was found in an abusive orphanage at age 4, she was put up for adoption, but kept by safer, gentler hands. Her foster mother was Alesa, the queen of the large kingdom. The two children had grown up together, until little Lauren was finally adopted three years later. Although they weren't directly across the hallway anymore, they still stayed together through thick and thin. The childish games they had played when they were young and irresponsible had lasted for many years.

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