Chapter 11 - Damn bro like eyes on yourself smh

Start from the beginning

I walked into the gym. Yejun and I established we would try not to be obvious in public. I gave him a small smile and he returned it. He started the class off with basic drills and had us practice our yellow belt kicking combination: snap kick, snap kick, jumping snap kick.

"Len, walk around and help out others." He announced as everyone prepared. "Yes sir."

I started walking around and analyzed my classmates' kicks. "Aimee, raise your knee more. The higher your knee, the higher your kick." She looked at me in awe and fixed her kick.

I kept on walking around and fixed some stances. I walked towards Alaric and noticed his landing was awkward. If he continued landing like that, he would sprain his ankle.

"Alaric, do you need help?" I asked. He was doing jumping snap kick, but he would lose his balance when he would land. "No." He coldly responded.

Xiao Ji stared at us as I gave Alaric a small nod. "Okay." I said as I turned away. "But I need answers." I turned back to him and Alaric shooed Xiao Ji away.

Alaric stood over me. Usually, his demeanor was friendly and casual, but it was cold and strained. He looked at me through his lashed and folded his arms. "Your scarf looks awfully familiar."

I tugged at my neck but remembered we were at gym, so it was in the locker room. "Yeah, what about it?" My heart slowly began to hammer in my chest. Why would he question my scarf? Oh God, no, "I saw someone else have it, you know, Master Min. You two have been quite close lately. Don't lie to me. Is that scarf his?"

What am I supposed to say? Either way, I lose. I suppressed a sigh and kept my eyes on him. "Yes, it's his." My heart dropped at how hurt Alaric looked. "Why are you wearing his scarf?! Of all people, why would it be his?!"

The class suddenly got quiet and stared at Alaric. My eyes widened at his outburst. Yejun walked over to us, going in between Alaric and I. "Is there a problem?" he asked. I wanted to look at Alaric, but I didn't want to see his eyes seething in anger.

Even though Yejun knew Alaric liked me, I still never told him about him confessing to me. After ten seconds, Alaric stayed quiet. "So if there's nothing to make a scene about, why are you causing one?!"

Yejun's voice rose about ten decibels with every word he spoke. I saw some people take steps back while others looked away. Still, Alaric stayed in the same spot. "Alaric, twenty push ups. Go!"

I peeked from behind Yejun and saw Alaric's body tremble. He tightened his fists and went down into push up position, finishing the twenty push ups in under a minute. "Stay on your knuckles for five minutes. You want to cause a scene, Alaric? Congratulations, you got it." Turning away, Yejun told everyone to resume their kicking.

"Len, come practice." I knew he was saying that because he didn't want me to see Alaric, but I couldn't help but to feel bad for him. His whole body trembled as he balanced himself on his knuckles. It was worse the floor's wooden boards. "Len!" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes sir!"

As I turned away, I saw Alaric look at me. His eyes told me enough, they held the accusations, the anger. I walked over to Yejun and he held the targets out for me. I slapped my foot against the targets, bouncing in place and repeating it again.

"What was he talking about?" asked Yejun. I bit my bottom lip and bounced in place. "I'll tell you later." He gave me a confused look and held the targets higher. "I thought we established trust?" I nodded and picked up my knee up higher. "Definitely! But there's something I wanted to tell you for a while."

"Well? Spit it out." I kicked the target as hard as I could and almost knocked it out of his hand. His eyebrows rose at how strong the kick was as I gave him a sheepish grin. "Okay... So last week, Alaric confessed to me."

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