Chapter 4: EXOtic day

Start from the beginning

"Figures, I mean look at her? Those glasses are like sooo last century"

EXO-k heard everything then Kai started walking towards them..

"Excuse me ladies" Kai said sweetly at first

You can see that one of the girls will jump of happiness any minute now..

"Ummm yes?" She answered in a flirty way

"Don't you dare insult MY Min Jae~! Can't you see? Behind those glasses is a very beautiful girl and woah! Look at you! Your face is covered with make up You look like a clown!"Then the rest of EXO k started laughing

Any moment now the girl is about to cry now..Then they walked out..

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on that girl?" You said.

"Don't worry Min Jae that deserve it for insulting you they don't know your story"Kai really knows what to say..He squeezed your hand and started walking again..

--outside the café--

"Ok you guys have some money?"you looked at them



"Here" *b-bye savings*

"buy some coffee at the café and pretend to be costumers! And pretend you don't know me ok?"

"Ok!"all of them answered

You went inside the café first

"Hi unnie~!"

"Hey MinJae! You're early and woah! What did you do to your hair?"

"Huh? Oh! Well you know.. I just ... Brushed it properly?"

"Hmmmmm...well you look more beautiful" you blushed at Lee Hin's compliment

"Hehehe ok I'll just go change"


"Min Jae! I need help!"

"Yes Un-" you were shocked because The café was filled with girls all because of *sigh* EXOk

"Ok we need two donuts on table 6,two café latte on that table 5 ,Butter cookies on table 3,5 Macchiato's on table 4"

"Here are their orders"LeeHin gave you two trays of the orders

"woah ok" you took the trays Then you went to each table to give them their orders

Some girls were just there because of the wonderful view *EXOk*

"Phew!" you just finished giving the orders

"Wow! We're did these girls come from?"you said but you knew what the real reason was..

"I don't know it's like those boys just magnetted them here and they didn't even ordered! Tsk! Teenagers. No offense Min Jae"

"None taken" you shrugged it off

"Honey could you be on register? I just have to go to the restroom"

"Ok dokie!" Then she left..

"Ummm.. Miss? Kekekeke may I order?"then Sehun winked at you.. It's like he was another person at your house he seemed to be always Over acting and cute but now... Gosh he's HOT

"U-um sure! What would it be?" you were blushing..

He tapped his chin while thinking which made him look CUTE and at the same time HOT

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