My First English Essay

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I want to share my first English essay with you from 2015:

Shon'tavia Goins

Mr. Prowell

English 99

August 11, 2015

                                               Living with Cerebral Palsy

                         I was born on May 14, 1994 and I weighed 1lb and 9oz. I was born with Cerebral Palsy which is a medical condition and a common birth defect. The doctors had to send me to Gainesville Florida in a helicopter because I was premature. I stayed at Shand's Hospital for 6 weeks and I went back to South Georgia Medical Center until July 13, 1994.
                         When I was six months old, up until I turned 1, my mom and dad realized that I didn't crawl, sit up on my own, take my first step, and didn't say my first word. My parents took me to the doctor. The doctor told my parents that I have Cerebral Palsy. My mom told me that I have Cerebral Palsy.
                          I didn't understand what Cerebral Palsy was until I turned 21. I have spasticities, spasms, and other involuntary movements (my feet shakes, I hit stuff not knowing it's going to happen, and I jerk a lot). I don't know what type of Cerebral Palsy I have. I had a lot of surgeries growing up. My first surgery was on my hips at the age of two in Augusta Georgia.  My last surgery was a Baclofen Pump which is better than getting shots every three to four months.
                         I used to have speech therapy because my speech was delayed. Sometimes I have trouble saying the words or sentences that I want to say. When that happens, I have to think about what I want to say. I have Occupational therapy that helps my arms and muscles get looser every week after school. I also had Physical therapy which helps my legs get looser. I know what it is like living with Cerebral Palsy.
                         I am not letting Cerebral Palsy stop me from doing anything I want to do in my life. Cerebral Palsy is not stopping me from getting my degree. Living with Cerebral Palsy is really tough. I have my family who supports and love me for who I am. I love my life even though I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I am not taking my life for granted. I am very grateful for the support that my family and friends give me every single day, all day and all night. This is my life with Cerebral Palsy and I am very happy.

I'm glad that Mr. Prowell let me write an essay about CP.

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