"Come on. Time to get out, Caspie," Erica said.

"It's Caspian."

When Erica just giggled, Caspian sighed and exited the MAFT, holding the door open for Erica, who stuck one leg out first, then slowly, ever so slowly, set her foot down and stuck out the other leg. She held out her hands and Caspian, after a moment's hesitation, grabbed them and pulled her the rest of the way out.

"My, you're such a gentlemen," her voice was like silk, caressing the ears with the sweetness of honey. Caspian ignored the shiver that ran down his spine. "It really is too bad you're not my Knight. Oh, the fun you and I would have together."

Caspian could not, however, ignore the way his face felt like it had spontaneously combusted.

Erica laughed some more.


Once outside of the MAFT, they were greeted by two men, one older than the other. They stood before him and Erica, their faces partially cloaked by the barely lit cavern. Both men bowed when Erica approached them.

"Your ladyship," the older one greeted. "It is a pleasure to see you again. As always, you are a bewitching vision to behold."

"Let's dispense with the pleasantries, shall we?" Erica dismissed their fawning, and Caspian needed a second to figure out why—their status.

From his observations of her, Erica was a woman who loved receiving attention. When she entered a room, when she walked down the street, she wanted everyone to see her, to be in awe of her, to revere her and worship the very ground she tread on. That was why she wore such extravagant clothing no matter the occasion.

Even now, the clothing she wore reflected this desire. Her short-sleeved collared shirt fit snugly around her torso, showing off her magnificent body in all the right places, and the top three buttons had been undone to reveal her expansive bust. Hip hugging shorts conformed perfectly to her skin, and her thigh-high boots also enhanced her overall visual appeal. She looked like a ridiculously sexed up explorer.

However, Erica only desired the attention of the common folk. In her own words, she was a "gift" to the peasantry, something for them to gaze upon in awe and admiration. She also disliked the nobility for some reason, which put her up a notch in his book, even if he still didn't like her personality.

These men were nobles.

The older gentleman, who Caspian believed was in charge, had a neatly trimmed goatee and dark black hair that was swept back from his forehead. However, a few bangs had been carefully placed around his face to better bring attention to his dark eyes, which gleamed with a sharp intellect, keen like the edge of a blade. Despite his clothes being a little dirty, Caspian could tell they were made of the finest fabrics.

The other man was nothing but a boy who looked to be around Caspian's age. He couldn't have been older than sixteen or seventeen. His hair was dark, much like the other man's, and Caspian could see the similarities in their facial structure. A son, perhaps?

"By the way..." Erica suddenly grabbed him by the arms and yanked him forward, presenting him to the two men. "This is Caspie—"


"—he is my temporary Knight until my poor Derek is feeling better. Please be sure to treat him well." Erica's smile was disturbingly bright. "He's taking care of this magnificent body of mine, after all."

"Don't say things that are so easy to misunderstand!" Caspian's shout went ignored by Erica.

The two nobles looked at each other, as if they were unsure of how to take her statement, then they looked at Caspian.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: The Sorceress of AshtownWhere stories live. Discover now