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  • Dedicated to Nintendo boys/girls!


     Elijah was sitting at home in his living room, boredly playing a video game that Brianna had shown the Murdoc brothers. It was an older one, and the graphics were none too impressive; he did, however, enjoy the gameplay. Getting frustrated, he turned the game off and removed the cartridge from the slot (a habit that Brianna almost literally pounded into his head). Lucifer flopped onto the couch where Elijah had been sitting and let out a long, exaggerated sigh.

     "Eli, I'm booooooooored!!! Let's go fuck some shit up."

     "We always do that, though!"

     The two brothers sighed in boredom and started brainstorming ideas of what to do. All of the sudden, Lucifer remembered something.

      "DAMMIT!! Almost forgot that I'm supposed to release a demon at this girl's sleepover!! Fuckers think Wigi boards are hoaxes." Lucifer then jumped off of the couch and ran to his room, grabbed a rather wicked looking book, and ran out the door. Elijah groaned loudly, as he was now the only one in the house; James was preaching at a midnight service held by his church, Lecia and Lillian were at Nick's (2pMale!Boston) house babysitting, and Lucifer had just left.

    "Was zum Teufel soll ich jetzt tun?" Elijah swore to himself. He glanced over at his cell phone, which was resting on the coffee table, and decided he'd call a good friend of his to come and keep him company.

      He reached for the phone and dialed the familiar number. The phone rang once, twice, three times...

     "Tory! How are you?~"  The voice on the other end chimed happily. Elijah had loved the sound of the Romanian's voice. There was just something about when he spoke Elijah's adorable nickname that sent his heart aflutter. Nein, I have to stop that train of thought right now... Elijah thought, catching himself before his thoughts wandered to something more.


     "That sucks."

      "Ja, I know. Come over, would ya?"

      "Sure! Be over soon, kay?"

       "Ja, danke~"

      "Nici o problema, Tory~"


        Elijah sighed to himself, happy that he won't be spending the evening by himself; even more so happy that he'd be spending it with Vasilica. I wonder what we should do tonight. He began to think of what the two could do. After a few minutes of thinking (and coming up blank), he shrugged it off, thinking that the two would come up with something when he arrived. In the meantime, Elijah flipped through the channels on tv, hoping to find something to catch his attention for a while.

      Halfway through a show that Elijah had not seen in a while, three knocks sounded at the front door. With them, a delightfully familliar voice.

      "I'm here, Tory~!"

      Elijah felt an excited smile spread across his face, but he also felt a strange feeling in the core of his stomach. It felt like someone had sent a miniature lightning bolt through him, and it shocked him. Why am I feeling like this?! Elijah thought with an edge of panic. He knew this feeling and he knew it well. Every thought in his head screamed at him to stop thinking about it and move on, but something in his heart couldn't let the feeling go, and it was incredibly distracting; it nagged at him like a fly on a hot summer day.

      Finally able to shake the feeling away, Elijah opened the door and greeted the Romanian.

      "Hallo, Vassie~!"

Heaven Nor Hell (Romania x Purgatory/Fem!Purgatory A-Z)Where stories live. Discover now