Chapter 6: The golden hair brush and near death experiences

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Chapter 6: The golden hair brush and neardeath experiences

It's been a week since my talk with Wolfe and I've attempted to avoid him at all costs. That night, I was somewhat vulnerable and let myself go, but now I'm proving that I'm not weak.

I was taking a shower in one of the stalls before I slightly slipped and landed on the wall. As I landed I felt a brick move slightly from my impact.

"That's weird." I whispered to myself before turning to face the wall. I noticed the brick straight away as it was slightly protruding in. I quickly moved the brick and it detached from the wall without any effort. I then noticed the hollow inside of the wall; this caused me to look inside. I detected something golden and I decided to stick my hand into the wall. It was all dusty and I scraped my hands on a few broken pieces of brick before I grabbed something solid.

I took it out and revealed a golden coloured hair brush.

"What the..." I mumbled to myself.

"HEY RICH BITCH" a tempered voice yelled out.

I sighed.

"What" I grunted.

"Hurry up sweet cheeks, we don't have all day"

I rolled my eyes before shutting off the water.

I gripped the brush tightly before sticking out my other arm and grabbing my towel from the rack.

I then stepped out whilst setting the towel around me.

I hadn't noticed the whispers that were escaping before me before I heard someone clear their throats.

I looked up and noticed one of Barbies minions staring at me.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I will trade you five packets of sour patch kids for that brush." She whispered as she leant closer towards me.

"Huh?" I asked in a daze.

"That golden hair brush; I need it" She asserted.

"Why should I give it to you huh?"

"Please" She begged.

"Well what's so important about it? Why do you need it?" I interrogate.

"If I tell you, you won't give it to me" she whispered.

"Well then have a nice day" I salute, before walking away.

"WAIT" She yelled as she grabbed my shoulder.

"Fine" she sighs. "Whoever finds the golden hair brush, gets to spend two days with the bachelor of the month" She explains.

Everything she had said doubled over.

"What?" I asked laughing at how stupid she had sound at that moment.

"We have this bachelor system going on here; you know some entertainment for the ladies and the men. There's a new bachelor every month and the golden hair brush is always hidden somewhere different. We don't know who hides it but we do know that if you find it, you're a lucky girl" she further explained.

I looked at her with a "are you fucking with me" look.

"Look please! The bachelor is Wolfe and everyone knows that he is the most wanted guy here and I have a colossal crush on him." she whispers.

"Well if you know me, you would know that I'm a lot smarter than I look and I never take the first bid, who knows what the bidding range for this would be." I announced before smirking and walking away.

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