Thirty-Seven || Beaten

Start from the beginning

Demetrious lowers her double-sided saber and raises her booted foot, kicking him sharply. The Force was entertwined with her kick, blowing him back to the other end of the hallway. He lies on the ground for a split instant before swinging back up as she steps toward him, her face reading anger as she storms to him, her shoulders swinging with her every step as her eyes refused to leave his face.

She strikes again; one blow to the top of his left shoulder with the right side of her saber; he blocks it, prepared for the next few swings, almost knowing where they are going to hit. Before they can leave the other end of the hallway, his eyes glance to the left, to the open rail he could jump down and enter the hangar.

He does exactly this; he turns, flips off the railing, landing delicately on the ground - a way of landing that came easy to Jedi - and Sith.

She follows, flipping as many times as she wants until landing on her feet, anger still around her, anger still within her; even more than before.

She strides towards him, nearly screaming out in anger as their sabers collide again, striking faster, swifter, over and over and over... they had plenty space now in the spacious, empty hangar where the Clones' battleships were stationed.

Above the echoing sounds of their colliding sabers, Anakin makes out the faint monotone of the alarm he set off back in the control room. Now was certainly no time to ask what it meant - he blocks her saber as it nears his face - but the sound worried him.

Vwoom, vhwoom, crssshhh... crack!

Their sabers colliding was music to her ears; fear in his. She was so powerful, no wonder the whole galaxy was truly afraid of her.

He steps back and leaps onto a ledge peeking from the nearby hangar's wall, and from there, swings back onto the hallway as she follows shortly behind, swinging into his saber as she pressured him to walk backwards again, towards the end of the hallway.

He exits, sensing the hallway around him as he moves, knowing he cannot afford to slam into anything.

He has barely any time to think; she is very quick, too quick out of anger, hatred, vile wretchedness and an evil mindset.

With every swing her double-sided saber takes to him with a crash, a clack of humming sabers, his strength weakens; hers only grows. Their sabers colliding is a cackling frenzy as they stammer down the hallway, neither of them thinking. Only doing. Swinging, blocking.

They stumble into a meeting room on the far left of the hallway back in the main quarters of the cruiser. In the center is a table, alligned with dark chairs, a holonet in the center, a huge light the length of the table shining above them.

He backflips onto the table, landing powerfully on his two feet, close to the holonet. He slides his right foot back and the holonet slides off the table, crashing to the ground beneath it.

She clenches her fists tighter around the holster of her double-sided saber and abruplty leaps onto the table as well, using the Force before he can think to slide him off, crashing his body into the chairs, sprawling across them as they fall back along with him, his saber sliding from his grip and unignting.

Demetrious stands above him on the table, looking down upon him as he lay across the chairs on his back. He holds his hand out to his right and grabs his saber with the Force, igniting it as she lunges at him, her saber positioned in midair.

He doesn't have time to rise, so he lies on the ground as she stands above him now, having lunged from the table, holding her saber against his as her gloved hand reaches out and takes his neck, squeezing it, pressuring to choke him to death.

Star Wars: The Chosen One || An Anakin Skywalker Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now